Thursday, July 16, 2009

Change? Only for the worse...

I’ve been following the polls a little bit lately and I read the other day that our President’s approval rating has been falling lately. Gee, maybe there’s hope after all. Maybe the people of this country are starting to realize what he is doing and what he is really all about.

People didn’t like President Bush so they voted for Obama because they wanted a change. They didn’t like the Bush administration because they felt he was in bed with big oil and big business. They thought he circumvented the constitution and civil rights with the patriot act after 911. And people thought he started the war in Iraq without cause and they wanted our troops out of there. They thought he ran the federal deficit up too much with reckless spending. So they voted for change…

Now we have the Obama administration and these are the changes I'm seeing:

Obama certainly isn’t in bed with big oil, but he certainly is in bed with big green. The bill they say will save the environment, Cap and Trade, will make tons of money for somebody. If not Obama directly, his cronies like Al Gore and company stand to get rich many times over if it passes and they’re going to get rich on your dollars and mine since it’s going to cost us much more for all forms of energy including natural gas, electricity, heating oil, gasoline, etc. and it won’t do one thing to improve the environment – nothing. We just changed from making the former president and his cronies rich to making the new president and his cronies rich.

Let’s see… Civil rights, the right to choose what’s best for oneself without government interference. With the Obama health care bill, we are going to have government run healthcare shoved down our throat whether we want it or not. Everyone will be forced to buy healthcare insurance whether they want it or not. How’s that for right to choose, huh? We’ve also got government takeover of private business. I wonder how that jives with the constitution… You think the government was in your life too much under Bush? Wait until you get a full dose of real Obama Socialism. It’s coming and coming fast. What a wonderful change, huh?

As for the war in Iraq, have they started pulling those troops out of there yet? Are we bringing the boys home like Obama said he would do? Do you see anything different? What has changed? By the way, is he going to blame the troop buildup in Afghanistan on President Bush too? Because that’s the only place they’re going to go when he pulls them out of Iraq, if he pulls them out of Iraq.

As for the deficit, there’s just no contest there. If you thought Bush was a big spender, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. We’ve had the biggest deficit increase in history under our current president. Bush is really small time compared to this guy. We had a growing deficit under Bush and now we have a deficit increasing by absolutely monumental proportions under Obama. Do you like that change?

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Get ready for the tax increases. He’s not raising your income taxes right now, that’s coming later. Right now, he’s raising every other form of tax he can think of. Most people don’t even realize it yet, but they are starting to see it. Slowly, people are starting to see through the lies. They are starting to realize that all the democrats spending will have to be paid for somehow. Change? That’s all you’re going to have left in your pocket after the democrats are done…

The only change I see is that we have more problems, more government incompetence, more corruption, more partisanship, more cronyism… Basically, everything that was bad under Bush is now worse under Obama.

Hey, all you Obama supporters, are these the changes you wanted?