Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Idiots On Parade

You know, it never ceases to amaze me how ridiculous these people in Washington are. I saw today that the White House spokesman Robert Gibbs took the time while at the podium giving a press briefing, to mock Sarah Palin because she had some notes written on her hand when she gave a speech at the Tea Party convention the other day.

Are you kidding me Mr. Gibbs? What are you, like in the 8th grade? Is this how you occupy your time at the White House? With all the problems this country is facing, you spend your time thinking of ways to mock Sarah Palin. Well, if you haven’t heard it before, let me tell you, YOU ARE AN EXCEPTIONAL IDIOT! You are the real deal. No artificial ingredients, just 100% pure, unadulterated idiot. You are proof positive that nobody in the Obama administration has a clue! You guys couldn’t BUY a clue! You stand up there with your arrogance and elitist attitude and insult the American public every day. You mock and make fun of the everyday working stiff in this country and you think you’re funny. Keep it up, you moron. I sincerely hope you do, so you and the entire administration can get booted out of office in 2012.

Meanwhile back in congress, the idiot parade continues. Want to know what they were doing? Well, let me tell you. They were busy spending your tax dollars. Yes, they were doing what they do best, wasting money in a spectacular way. In this economy, these hard times in America, they were spending $50 million to buy some beach front property to turn into a park. Yes, that’s what I said, a park…

Well you say, but that’s something that’s good for America, right? America needs more parks. Ya right… $50 MILLION and guess what friends and neighbors. You’re going to have a hard time driving to this park to use it, because it’s on the island of St. Croix in the Virgin Islands. Yup, you read that right, this property is in the Virgin Islands.

Not surprisingly, it was pretty much a vote along party lines, the DEMOCRATS spent $50 million to buy a former cotton plantation from a private owner and turn it into a protected area dubbed the Castle Nugent National Historic Park. What a good and prudent use of your tax dollars, huh? That ought to stimulate the economy, right?

I think I missed something. When did we start electing lunatics to congress? If this isn’t proof that these bozos are completely and utterly out of control, I don’t know what is. You think these guys are working for America, for us? You think they are running things in a responsible way? You think the Obama administration and the liberal left, tax and spend, progressive Democrats are the better way?

There is an election coming up next November. VOTE THESE KNUCKLEHEADS OUT OF OFFICE! STOP THE INSANITY!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Axelrod Knows President Is Lying

Here’s something interesting I read in the news today. Obama’s top advisor, David Axelrod, stated in an interview that Justice Alito’s mouthing “not true” during the President’s admonishment of the Supreme Court during the State of the Union speech is par for the course during Obama’s speeches in the House. He said it’s not unusual to see an outburst or unusual reaction to something the president says, stating "in this weird political season, we have become accustomed to unusual outbursts".

That’s interesting, don’t you think? He’s saying it’s not at all surprising when someone, in this case a Supreme Court Justice, pretty much says the president is lying. Could that be, Mr. Axelrod, because you know the good president IS lying? Could that be why you’re not surprised when someone just can’t hold it in, because they are being confronted with an outright, bald-faced lie, they just have to blurt out the truth?

The fact is that a big share of the president’s speeches are outright lies or at the very least bending the truth, so why should it surprise anybody when someone points it out? That’s exactly what Justice Alito was doing and that’s what Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina was doing when he yelled out “you lie” during Obama's health care speech to Congress.

Axelrod is just admitting they know they’re lies.