Monday, December 5, 2011

The TSA Strikes Again

Well, it seems the TSA is up to it’s usual standards. The reports of the goings on in the world of the illustrious airport safety patrol seems to know no bounds. The absurdity just keeps getting worse and worse. TSA agents strip searching little children, groping people’s genitals... What a pleasure it is to fly nowadays, huh?

Now we have reports of them strip searching an 85 year old woman in a wheelchair. Another 88 year old woman claims they strip searched her as well. She was wearing a colostomy bag and they wanted to make sure there were no weapons of mass destruction in there I guess. These cases are tragic. They submit these poor elderly people to humiliation and embarrassment by invading their most intimate privacy and then say they’re just doing their job. Seriously? Is your job as a TSA agent to be an idiot? Well, in that case, you’re doing a wonderful job.

But here’s a case that’s so idiotic it’s laughable. We have a teenage girl that was detained by the TSA because she had the design of an old western six shooter on her purse. Not an actual gun, only an image of a gun.

She was told by the TSA that she was committing a federal offense and she would have to check the purse or surrender it. They detained her so long that she missed her flight and then they stuck her on a plane to Orlando, which probably didn’t make her mother very happy since she was waiting for her at the Jacksonville airport.

If you want to read the story for yourself, here is the link:

Now, is there anyone on the planet who would really think that a design on the outside of a purse could actually be a threat to anyone? I mean in any situation that the human mind can conceive, could the image of a gun ever be a used to threaten anyone or anything? The whole idea is so absurd, it’s inconceivable that anyone with half a brain would even consider it. Then the TSA strikes again...

Would you feel threatened if someone tried to rob you with a picture of a gun? Doesn’t it sound ridiculous to even ask such stupid questions or imagine such scenarios? Of course it does, but not to the TSA. They take their job so seriously that they won’t let even an image of a weapon on board an airplane. Just in case, you know... They will use their formidable power of intimidation to protect us all from the supreme danger of... pictures...

Wow, I feel safer already, don’t you? Doesn’t it just make you want to... drive?