Sunday, December 9, 2012

Another Fine Example of the Hypocrisy of the Left

It never ceases to amaze me how many people there are in government that have the attitude that they can do whatever they want and that laws only apply to everyone else. They claim to know better what is good for the “people”, the people meaning “everyone else”, and then they do the exact thing that they wish to deny to the masses. They think they are kings and everyone else are mere subjects.

Here’s a prime example. Illinois (yes, Illinois, arguably the most corrupt state in the union...) state senator, Don Trotter, a democrat running for the vacated U.S. Senate seat recently vacated by Jesse Jackson Jr. (himself under federal investigation), was taken into custody for trying to board an aircraft with a gun.

Now, this guy is a left wing democrat and an advocate of gun control. He voted “no” on a law that would allow other Illinois citizens to carry a concealed weapon. He would deny the right to everyone else, but he feels that he should have the right. He also obviously feels he shouldn’t have to comply with the law that says you have to register your firearm since the gun he got caught with was unregistered. As a leader, shouldn’t he be practicing what he preaches? Shouldn’t he be leading by example? Shouldn’t he be obeying the very laws that he helps enact?

He of course gave the standard statement when he got caught, “I didn’t know it was there.” Uh huh, right. So basically what he’s saying is he’s an irresponsible moron that doesn’t even know where his gun is. I don't know what his excuse was for not registering the gun as the law requires. Maybe he as a lawmaker doesn't know the law?

He stated afterward that this wouldn’t have any effect on his bid for office. He would still continue his efforts to be elected to the U.S. senate. Obviously, he feels that he’s the right kind of guy to be in government. Being a lawbreaker shouldn’t have any effect on one’s ability to hold high government office and make laws, right?

This is the hypocrisy of the left. They want to make rules for everyone else. They want to control the masses through big government and more laws and rules, but they see it as only to control the inferior peasant class. They, as the ruling class, will be exempt. After all, they are more important than everyone else.

It’s troubling to me that this is the type of person that is prevalent in government today. What’s even more troubling though, is that we keep electing them.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Establishment Republicans

Well, here’s a pretty good example of how Ron Paul and his supporters are regarded by the Establishment Republicans and their handlers. They’re treated as the enemy, pushed around, assaulted and insulted.

A guy named Eddie Dillard was holding a Ron Paul sign near a polling place today in Florida when the Newt Gingrich campaign machine pulled up in a bus and decided to occupy the space where Mr. Dillard was standing. They proceeded to muscle their way in front of him trying to block him and his sign, intentionally stomping on his foot, knocked his cell phone out of his hand and kicked his sandal away from him when he was trying to pick it up.

Now this sounds more like behavior you would hear about on a school yard with the class bully picking on the weak kid, not adults in a political campaign. Then again, I guess the Gingrich crew seems to be of that mentality.

I don’t know about you but this story and this kind of behavior by a major candidate for the office of President of the United States is disgusting. It infuriated me that they would treat someone like this simply because he was holding a sign for the candidate he supports.

These two guys, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are just status quo, “Establishment Republicans”. They aren’t going to change anything. If either one gets into office, things aren’t really going to change that much. Oh, we may get some of the catastrophic programs of the Obama disaster repealed, but they aren’t going to do what really needs to be done to save our country from the economic cataclysm that we’re headed for. They’ll still keep growing government and be totally unable to reduce the national debt because they don’t have what it takes to make the hard choices.

It’s most likely going to be Romney, which isn’t going to be much of a change. He’s just “Obama light”, but he seems to be the one that the main stream Republicans have chosen as their guy. Pretty pitiful if you ask me. As horrendous as Obama is, the best the Republican Party can come up with is Mitt and Newt?

People, we are in deep trouble...

Sooner or later, people are going to realize that a lot of what Ron Paul has to say about what we need to do to bring this country back to what it’s supposed to be, is correct. The problem is, they won’t realize it until it’s too late. Our economy and our country will be crashing and burning.

You won’t see much about this story in the news. The media won’t bother covering a major political candidate assaulting someone on the campaign trail because he was a Ron Paul supporter. If he was an Obama supporter and Newt’s bullies treated him that way, that would be plastered all over the front page of every newspaper and the lead story on every left wing media outlet in existence. You can bet on that.

For me, it shows me what this guy is all about. He and his traveling band of thugs. Newt had to resign from congress in disgrace not that long ago. He thinks that people won’t remember that. He thinks that enough time has passed that people will have forgotten. He may be right about that, but he can’t change his nature. He’s still disgraceful.