Saturday, November 10, 2007

Government waste

I just get disgusted when I see my tax dollars wasted. I have no problem with paying taxes for government programs that are needed and that do some actual good but that is not the case here.

Here is a link to the story in the Sun-Sentinel:,0,1201779.story I don't know how long it will be live, but here is basically what it's about...

The city of Parkland in S. Florida, which is one of the richest cities in the area, is using a $52,922 federal grant designed to be used to help the poor, to pay for museum-going, bowling, fishing trips and other jaunts for some of their senior citizens. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping senior citizens, IF they need help, but Parkland (remember, one of the richest cities in the area) is populated by primarily well off citizenry that no more needs a handout than Bill Gates does, but because they qualify for the grant, they can use the money for pretty much anything they want, and not what it was really intended for.

The money will be used to pay for staff time, busses to shuttle the seniors, videotapes during the bus rides, office supplies, books, shirts for participants, admissions tickets, etc.

How can a city that has an average median household income more than twice the income of any other city in the county? Because, "seniors are presumed to be low-to-moderate income with a majority on a fixed income." PRESUMED... I would presume that with over double the average household income, these seniors are probably making more in retirement than most of the working class in the county makes working, yet WE are funding THEM. It's disgusting.

The officials of Parkland should be ashamed of themselves as should the rich seniors taking the dole when they don't really need it. It amounts to the rich stealing from the poor and it's yet another abuse and waste of the tax dollars of every hard working American.

It's about time we start doing something about things like this. We need to start voting people out of office that are responsible for wasting our hard earned dollars. I'm tired of working every day just to have the federal government take my money and throw it down the drain like this. Enough is enough.

Maybe it's time to start voting Libertarian...

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