Thursday, June 19, 2008

Even More Proof

I saw in the news today that Americans drove 1.4 BILLION fewer miles in the month of April this year than they did in April 2007 as reported by the Department of Transportation. It's the sixth consecutive month that total miles driven has dropped from last year.

Overall, Americans have driven 20 billion fewer miles so far this year and about 30 billion fewer miles since November.

Even though we are cutting way back on how much we use, the price continues to rise. Supplies are increasing, yet the price continues to rise.

I've heard the figures flying around the net saying that it only costs the Saudis a few dollars in actual production costs to produce a barrel of oil that they are now selling for over $130. I don't really know if the profit margin is that disgusting or not. I know they have more money than they know what to do with, so they buy things like diamond encrusted, sterling silver cars to drive around in. They live in palaces that puts the term "mansion" to shame. They built their own islands in the shape of palm trees and indoor ski resorts in the desert.

They're lining their pockets as are the speculators on the commodities markets and laughing all the way to the bank. It's basically legalized theft and they're getting away with it. For now...

I can't help but think that it will all come crashing down at some point. Artificial market inflations tend to correct themselves eventually. Just look at the housing market. When property values went skyrocketing too fast the market dumped and will stay slow until actual value catches up to the artificially high prices. Sooner or later, this will happen in the oil market.

I think that this drastic price rise will ultimately help to destroy the oil market in the coming years. They've pushed it past the tipping point where people are so fed up with it that they are making the commitment to end the dependence on oil as our main energy source. People want alternative, renewable energy and the push to replace oil has begun. You'll see ethanol production drastically increase as well as more use of solar and wind, even in small applications. People are starting to do whatever they can to beat them at their own game.

I'm lovin' it.

Friday, June 13, 2008

This is getting disgusting...

Want more proof that we are being ripped off and the price of gas is being artificially manipulated?

Reported the other day on, the U.S. government "reported" that crude supplies shrank more than expected last week. That and the weakening dollar caused the barrel price of oil to go up yet again.

However, in the very same article they said that the supply of distillates (which are used to make heating oil and diesel fuel) INCREASED by 2.3 million barrels and gasoline supplies are up 1 million barrels. Demand for gasoline fell 1.3% from the same period last year.

So even though we are clearly cutting our use of gasoline, demand is down, supply is up, the opposite of what is SUPPOSED to happen is happening. The price at the pump continues to rise.

See for yourself:

I don't know any other way to say it, WE ARE BEING SCREWED.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Thank you Bill O’Reilly.

He came out in a strong way for energy independence on his show June 9, 2008 and I was so glad to see it. I’m glad someone in the mainstream media is speaking out about something that I have been saying for a long time now.

He said we need to end our dependence on oil as our main source of energy, we need more flex-fuel vehicles and that congress needs to do something about the situation NOW. Well actually, congress IS doing something. They are screwing us over every day.

We need to move from using gasoline to using more ethanol and methanol and even though we have ramped up domestic production, we could be importing a lot more. Brazil is leading the world in ethanol production and use and would like to export their excess to us but congress is blocking the import of fuel from them to PROTECT THE OIL COMPANIES. YES, THE VERY COMPANIES THAT ARE GOUGING US AT THE PUMP. Our politicians are in bed with big oil.

He also called OPEC a bunch of gangsters that are trying to hold us hostage to their oil and destroy the U.S. economy.

Glad to see SOMEONE has a firm grasp on the situation and I’m glad he has the guts to say it out loud. I just wish more people were listening, especially in Washington. Those boys up on Capital Hill actually think we have “friends” in the Middle East. Make no mistake about it friends, WE HAVE NO FRIENDS THERE.

President Bush found that out recently when he asked them to help stabilize the price of oil and they told him to take a hike.

The only reason they tolerate us at all is that we keep sucking up their oil and when we quit doing that, you just watch and see how fast they turn on us.

We need to do everything we can to end the stranglehold they have on us and our economy.

Listen to Bill.