Friday, June 13, 2008

This is getting disgusting...

Want more proof that we are being ripped off and the price of gas is being artificially manipulated?

Reported the other day on, the U.S. government "reported" that crude supplies shrank more than expected last week. That and the weakening dollar caused the barrel price of oil to go up yet again.

However, in the very same article they said that the supply of distillates (which are used to make heating oil and diesel fuel) INCREASED by 2.3 million barrels and gasoline supplies are up 1 million barrels. Demand for gasoline fell 1.3% from the same period last year.

So even though we are clearly cutting our use of gasoline, demand is down, supply is up, the opposite of what is SUPPOSED to happen is happening. The price at the pump continues to rise.

See for yourself:

I don't know any other way to say it, WE ARE BEING SCREWED.

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