Thursday, July 31, 2008
Way to go Texas!
The forward thinking T. Boone Pickens is planning a 2700 turbine wind farm that will power 1.3 million homes. Here’s a Texas oil man moving the country in the direction of renewable energy.
This is what we should have been doing for the last 10 or 15 years but at least we have a few people committed to United States energy independence now. FINALLY, we’re headed down the right road.
Show the rest of the country how it’s done Texas!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Profiteers at work
Monday, July 14, 2008
OK Democrats, let's see what you do.
The ball is clearly in their court. Let’s see what they do. If it’s typically what the Democrats do, they will drag their feet and do nothing before the recess next month and the situation will get worse due to their inaction. Then they will point fingers and continue to blame the Republicans for everything.
If nothing is done about it, the situation is going to get worse with the speculators going nuts and driving up the price. However, if the areas presently banned were opened up to drilling, we would have access to enough oil to replace most, if not all, of the oil we presently import from the Middle East.
Drilling in ANWR and other places offshore is not the long term answer though. We need alternative energy sources for the long term, but it IS the answer in the near term. The Dems will say, “Oh, it won’t do any good. It will take years to get the oil to market so it won’t affect the price.” Watch what happens though. Just the act of congress lifting the ban and opening up access to this wealth of oil would have an immediate effect on all the speculation about oil supplies. The market would stabilize and the price will come down.
My bet is, the Democrats controlling congress will do nothing and we’ll continue our downward spiral.
Monday, July 7, 2008
What a Coincidence
My last blog post was about what the war in
Today I read an article in the news about how the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki says his government wants a short time frame for the withdrawal of
So the Iraqis favor a short time frame for troop withdrawal and taking charge of their own country. Now we’ll have to see how our government responds to this. Are they going to agree that the Iraqis should take responsibility for themselves and get us out of there, or are they going to try and drag it out and maintain our presence and influence in their affairs?
The reaction of our government and what each of the presidential candidates has to say about it will be really interesting to see. It will also speak volumes as to what each candidate will do in the future concerning foreign affairs especially in the
Watch this one closely folks and it may tell you who will be the next president.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
What It Costs
What a lot of people don’t think about is that these issues are all tied together. The price of gas, even though it is artificially inflated at the moment, in large part is governed by what happens in the
There are differing views on whether we should have gone into
The fact is that sooner or later we do need to get out of there. They need to step up and take control of their own destiny and we need to get out. And I mean not just out of
That’s another thing the average American doesn’t have a clue about, because they never really think about it.
If I threw out a figure of $40 billion, that would be a staggering amount of money to the average, hard working, tax paying American, right? I mean, most of us would be happy to hit the lottery for a couple million. We’d be set for life. Millions are big amounts of money, but Billions? Wow… I couldn’t imagine having that kind of money.
So if I said the war is costing over $40 BILLION, it wouldn’t be hard to believe, right? Right… The problem is, it’s costing us that EVERY MONTH. Yes, friends and loyal readers, that is what it is costing us every single month. The cost of the war in the
A Billion is a thousand million. So if you know what it would be like to win that million in the lottery, imagine having a thousand of them.
A Trillion is a thousand billion. Let’s see… If you were to spend $1 every second, that’s $3600 ever hour, it would take you over 31,000 years to spend a trillion dollars…
How long do you think it will take before we go broke?
I bet you're thinkin' now, huh?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Seers, Mediums and Psychics at work
Today I read a story on about how some group of pinheads called the "International Energy Agency" said that oil speculation in the market is NOT influencing the price of oil. Now, by CNN's own definition in the story, this group is "an influential oil-policy group". INFLUENTIAL OIL-POLICY GROUP... It makes we wonder just how influential they are and who are they influencing about "oil-policy". I can't believe anyone with more than a couple operating brain cells could say that speculation in the oil market isn't having any effect on the price. Of course the story didn't say whether this group lives on planet Earth, so maybe they have an excuse for not knowing what is happening on our world.
Everywhere you look, you see and read about people in this country doing things to save gas. I've noticed a lot of people driving slower on the highway, heck I'm doing it myself. I'm also consciously making an effort to drive less and if I have to drive, I consolidate trips into one, etc. People are buying fuel efficient cars in droves. They can't make Prius's fast enough to keep up with demand. I've read in the news where our consumption of gas in this country is down and continues to fall do to people's conservation efforts. Supplies are up yet the price just keeps climbing.
Anyway, another story on the same website states, "Crude prices rose more than $2 a barrel Tuesday after an energy advisory group reduced its estimate on the amount of oil that will reach the market in the coming years." So this story is telling us that the mere mention of supply maybe not being as much as they originally SPECULATED on, is having an immediate effect on prices. These guys are PROGNOSTICATING on what supplies MAY do over the next SEVERAL YEARS and the price immediately jumps $2 a barrel.
Guess which agency it was that issued this report. You guessed it, the very same agency that said speculation doesn't effect the price... HELLOOOOOO!!!
Who the hell are these guys anyway? What do they use, a crystal ball? Tarot cards? Ouija board? If you ask me, I would say they just shot themselves and any chance at credibility right in the head. They just proved they don't have a clue and anything they say should be taken with a grain of salt. Nobody should be paying any attention whatsoever to this group of "oil psychics", yet the people who trade the market lapped up everything they said like a hungry puppies and what's the result? We take it in the backside again. It's absolutely ridiculous.
I think we should all go on strike. We, the work force, should just stop working and stay home for a week or two. Just shut the economy down for a bit until these guys that are playing us settle down and quit manipulating the system. We'll save a couple hundred bucks in gas anyway. For some people making minimum wage, it would probably look pretty good. Why work when you have to spend 1/3 or 1/2 of your take home pay just to get back and forth to the job? Might as well stay home and go on welfare, you'll probably come out ahead.
Let all the rich oil barons pay all the taxes and pick up the tab for the country for a while.
Sound like a plan?