Monday, July 7, 2008

What a Coincidence

My last blog post was about what the war in Iraq is costing us and that sooner or later we will need to get out of there and let them take charge of their own country.

Today I read an article in the news about how the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki says his government wants a short time frame for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. The current mandate governing the operation of our forces in Iraq expires at the end of the year so negotiations are under way to reach an agreement as to the role of U.S. troops and the date of their withdrawal.

So the Iraqis favor a short time frame for troop withdrawal and taking charge of their own country. Now we’ll have to see how our government responds to this. Are they going to agree that the Iraqis should take responsibility for themselves and get us out of there, or are they going to try and drag it out and maintain our presence and influence in their affairs?

The reaction of our government and what each of the presidential candidates has to say about it will be really interesting to see. It will also speak volumes as to what each candidate will do in the future concerning foreign affairs especially in the Middle East.

Watch this one closely folks and it may tell you who will be the next president.

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