Friday, April 10, 2009

Interesting facts from Rasmussen Reports

I follow Rasmussen Reports a bit and it’s really interesting to see some of the poll results that they report. It seems many times that there is no logic to it. For instance recently, poll results showed 21% of those polled believe Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Now, while that is a pretty low number, it’s the highest rating Congress has gotten in over a year.

The weird part is, even though the number of people that think they are doing a good job is up, so is the number of people that think most members are corrupt. So what does this say for the public at large? It seems like they think that the members of Congress, even though they’re crooks, are doing a pretty good job. Of course, that’s only 21%...

Personally, I think it shows that the people don’t like the fact that our politicians are crooks but they expect them to be dishonest. It sort of shows that most people know that if you’re a politician, you’re probably a liar and a cheat. Kind of sad when you think of it… that we have such low expectations from the very people we elect to run our country.

Anyway, here’s some more interesting facts, plus a comment or two from me…

Nearly half (49%) the nation's voters say politics in Washington, D.C. will be more partisan over the next year.
You mean they’re not believing the Obama mantra of being non-partisan? Imagine that…

Just 53% Say Capitalism is better than Socialism
That means 47% need to move to France…

Only 27% See the U.N. As America's Ally
I’m surprised it’s as high as 27%...

36% Still Say Country Headed in the Right Direction
I wonder if they’ll think so when we have double digit inflation, high interest rates, persistently high unemployment and taxes through the roof…

44% See More Tension With Other Countries Because of Economic Crisis
Huh… Ya think?

75% Oppose Release of Guantanamo Inmates in the United States
And guess what… Your government is not listening to you and they don’t care what you think…

54% Count On U.S. Business Leaders More Than World Leaders To Help U.S. Economy
Gee, what a coincidence, it’s only one percentage point away from the people that think Capitalism is better than Socialism…

60% of U.S. voters now have an unfavorable opinion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, including 42% Very Unfavorable
Of course, 100% admit she’s a lunatic, but 40% think she’s doing a good job…

81% Say Neither Madoff Nor His Wife Should Keep Any Money
The other 19% want him to be let out of jail so they can invest with him…

And when it comes to illegal immigration and tightening our borders?

79% Support U.S. Troops on the Border to Fight Drug Violence
68% Say Those Who Employ Illegal Immigrants Should Be Punished
73% Say Cops Should Check Immigration Status During Traffic Stops
Pretty big numbers I’d say. Guess what, the Obama administration isn’t going to listen to the voters on this one either.

How about “Card Check”? (doing away with the secret ballot to vote for or against a union)

61% Say Secret Ballot Is a Fair Way To Vote For A Union
Just 9% of Non-Union Workers Want to Join Union
9% huh? I wonder what the percentage would be with Fat Tony and Louie the Lip “helping” you vote?

And finally…

In March, the number of Democrats in the nation fell two percentage points…
Hey, you mean people are starting to wise up?
Wait a minute…
…the number of Republicans fell by half-a-point.
YES, people ARE starting to wise up! They’re starting to realize that the Republicans are almost (not quite) as bad as the Democrats. Can you say “Libertarian”?

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