Monday, May 11, 2009

Unbelievable Government Waste

Well, I’ve heard of some pretty stupid ways for our government to waste our tax dollars but this one takes the cake. I read the other day that our federal government is funding a study, to the tune of $400,000, of gay sex in Argentina bars.

Yes, you read that right. Our government, or rather, you and I through our tax dollars, are spending $400,000 over the course of the 2 year study, to send researchers to Argentina to hang out in bars to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk and then, what can be done about it. Like it take a scientist to figure that one out…

Now, why we need such a study, I don’t know. I suppose it’s to see what they can do to reduce the spread of Aids in Argentina. And I suppose they will say that they results of the study will be used to reduce the spread of Aids in America. Sounds logical right? Then again, why couldn’t they just do the study at gay bars here in America? Then the results here could be used to help people there. Doesn’t that sound more logical? Then we could save all the money it takes to send people to Argentina.

Then again, I could save them the cost of the whole study and give them the answer right now. HEY! Here’s the answer – tell all the gay men in Argentina and America not to go to bars, get drunk and engage in risky sexual behavior! Duh… What a concept, huh? But no… we have to spend $400,000 to study the obvious.

Our government in action… And you really think that these people are going to save our economy? I think we’re in big trouble…

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