Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hey Democrats, Your Elitism is Showing

Yet again the democratic party is showing what they really think of the American people. You know, us regular folks, the ones that go to work every day and pay our taxes and basically keep the country running.

It seems there have been a lot of people just like me, who think the Obama administration is mortgaging our future and spending the country into oblivion, have been showing up at their “Town Hall” propaganda meetings and voicing their displeasure. They’ve been making it known that they don’t want government run healthcare and they’re starting to see that we’re in for big tax increases in the near future and they’re not too happy about that either.

Well, it seems the socialist machine doesn’t like dissention. They don’t like anyone speaking out against their grand plan that they intend to foist upon us so they have launched a smear campaign. They are calling anyone that speaks in opposition to them an “angry mob” and saying they’re all just a bunch of right wing radicals.

They did the same thing after the tea parties. They trivialized the people that voiced their opposition to them, called them names and tried to sweep them under the rug. They’re trying to make it seem like they are a bunch of loons simply because they don’t see things as they do.

The main reason is that they look down on regular people. They ridicule and scoff at the common man. They think we need them to take care of us because we “don’t know what’s good for us” but they will take care of us in spite of ourselves. If you don’t believe me, just give a good listen to how they speak to and about people other than their fellow elites. People like Andrea Mitchell who was speaking about those opposed to the Obama health care plan who said, “they may not know what’s good for them.”

Right… I’m not smart enough to know what’s good for me. I can’t figure out that my existing health care coverage is better than any plan run by the federal government. Because they do such a great job running Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc… Tell me something; is there anything that the government runs that they actually run well?

So what do you think? Do you think Obama and his crew can run your healthcare better than what you have now? Do you trust them to tell you what procedures you’re allowed to have? NO? Oh my… you might just be a right wing radical nut job angry mobster that doesn’t know what’s good for him…

Shame on you.

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