Sunday, April 10, 2011

Obama, How Low Can You Go?

So, we avoided a government shutdown. Whew, that was close... How would we have survived without our wonderful government running at it’s usual efficient and essential manner? We narrowly avoided complete disaster... Ya, right. That’s how our wonderful media is portraying this whole government circus show that we just witnessed.

CHANGE??? Did Obama say CHANGE??? Has he changed how Washington works in the slightest? One little iota of change. NOT ONE BIT. As a matter of fact, he has embraced the Washington credo of politics first and everything else second. He is the epitome of the Washington political machine. First priority of any politician? Whatever is best for the politician and his party. Nothing else matters. Has there been a president in modern history that has been such a letdown from what people expected to what he really is? I don’t think so.

So why am I so upset with our illustrious schemer this time? I’ll tell you why. He disgusts me. During this whole budget fight, he tried to tell everyone that he wasn’t involved in such mundane matters and all the while he was manipulating and using his political power to influence the outcome to his liking. He then proved that there is no limit to how low he will go to get what he wants. No bargaining chip is off the table. He will use anything or anyone at his disposal.

He made it clear that he would shut down the government if he didn’t get what he wanted. He said he would use his veto power to block any meaningful spending cuts the Republicans put forth. He would veto any temporary bills to keep things going until they came up with a permanent solution. HE was forcing things toward a shutdown. HE and the democrats in congress were the ones holding their breath until they turn blue or they get their way.

The most disgusting thing he did though was use our fine soldiers, that HE himself has put in harms way, as pawns in his little political game. He said that he would hold their pay if he didn’t get what he wanted. This is totally his decision to be this despicable, totally his choice. He was choosing to hold military pay hostage to get his way.

There is a directive in the OMB that was issued by President Reagan that would provide that military pay would continue without interruption in the event of a government shutdown due to political deadlock in congress. During the last government shutdown that happened during the Clinton administration, our fine soldiers continued to receive their well deserved and hard earned pay. Clinton did the right thing.

But not our illustrious demigod in chief.

It was his choice to overturn the OMB directive and stop the soldiers paychecks. It’s not enough that soldiers are fighting his battles in faraway lands while their families are trying to make ends meet on meager military wages here at home, his highness decides to hold up their pay. Nothing like adding insult to injury, eh? Can you go any lower, Obama? Huh?

Thanks for showing us your arrogance. Thanks for showing us how heartless and ruthless you really are. Now we see your true colors. Your real self. Change? Ya, Mr. politician, we see how you change things...

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