Friday, December 7, 2007


Well, our local police are in the news again but at least this time it’s not because one got shot (thank God). This time it’s because they got caught on camera arresting a bad guy a little too zealously for some people’s taste.

It seems they came across a guy driving a car that matched the description of an armed robber and when they tried to pull him over, he ran from the cops leading them on a dangerous chase through Miami-Dade endangering the public, driving recklessly through city streets at high speed and into oncoming traffic. He finally drove into a barrier launching his car into the air almost flipping it. After it came to rest, he bailed out and started running on foot.

Just as the police were catching up to him and it became apparent he wasn’t going to get away, he belly flopped into some landscaping to give himself up. At that point, the cops arrived and jumped on him to take him into custody and there were some kicks and punches thrown in for good measure. This is what is now turning into a “Rodney King” like controversy.

The “victim”, Angel Soto and his girlfriend are now going to sue the police department. He didn’t think the officers were “justified” in punching him when he dove to the ground. Yeah right… Gimme a break. He showed the TV cameras where the bad ol' cops punched him and he had pain. Ok, everybody say, "Awwwww..." By the way, he didn't have a single mark on him so I don't think his "injuries" were too severe...

I heard the remark made that cops shouldn’t be allowed to beat bystanders any time they want… Bystanders??? I don’t thing Mr. Soto could be considered a “bystander” by any stretch of the imagination. Let’s see… Why did he decide to flee and endanger every innocent real “bystander” in the area? Because he was driving without a license. So he put everyone in danger just so he wouldn’t get a ticket. That’s good thinking, huh? So now we know we can’t consider him “innocent” either.

Oh, and by the way, he’s an ex-con that recently got out of prison for various charges including auto theft and, what do you know, fleeing from police. So he was breaking the law by driving without a license and then further broke the law by fleeing, committing numerous traffic offenses along the way, endangering everyone in the area including the police, intentionally crashes his car causing property damage, then tries to run on foot and he’s surprised that the cops punch him when they catch his sorry ass? HELLOOOOO...

Let me ask you something. If a guy walked up to you and slapped you across the face, what would you do? If you’re like me, you’d probably punch him square in the mouth. It’s just sort of a natural reaction to retaliate, right? Well, what if the guy slapped you and then right before you punched him he said, “No don’t hit me, I give up”, how would you react? Think about that. Well, Mr. Soto slapped the cops in the face.

Now the officers are on suspension and the scumbag is back out on the street. How is THAT justice? He’s out and ready to break the law again. Hell, I bet he drove home from jail. I think it’s about time we start caring more about the good guys and not about that we don’t baby the bad guys enough.

In my estimation, he got what he deserved and I hope he gets thrown back into prison. When you run from the police and endanger the public, you deserve to get your butt kicked. He’s a criminal. I really don’t care that the cops juiced him up a little.

So I’ve just got one thing to say to those Miami-Dade cops…


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