Thursday, December 6, 2007

The man has no class.

Well, it didn’t take long for President Hugo Chavez to show his true colors yet again. Merely days after suffering the defeat of his power grab referendum in Venezuela , he started spouting obscenity laced remarks and veiled threats to his opposition. It gave the appearance of a child throwing a temper tantrum. He vowed to keep working to push through his re-write of their constitution no matter what the people want. So much for graciousness in defeat…

It’s not hard to see through his attempts to appear as a responsible leader to realize he is just another wannabe dictator that craves absolute power over his people. Even before his grab at power, he used bullying tactics to impose his control over the opposition by strong-arming the media and shutting down broadcast stations that dare to voice any opposition to him. Now he tells opponents that are celebrating his defeat to “watch out” and “don’t provoke” him. He clearly has no tolerance for anyone that might disagree with him. Threats and heavy handed tactics will be his downfall. Even his supporters will begin to see what his true nature is and that he is not the savior they thought he was.

Already we are seeing people speaking out in other Latin American countries saying they have little confidence in his intentions for his country or his role in world affairs. Majorities in Chile , Brazil , Peru , Bolivia and Mexico all express their doubts about him. Is it any wonder when he makes public speeches ranting about how anyone that opposes his point of view are “traitors” and hurls insults at other world leaders that don’t happen to agree with him?

I think a lot of people in Venezuela are starting to feel a little embarrassed by his actions and are showing it with their votes. I wish them all the best in their fight to keep democracy and improve their country and way of life. It’s too bad their leader isn’t listening to them.

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