Wednesday, January 2, 2008

AOL Really Sucks

I have known that AOL sucks for quite some time now but I kept my old email addresses I had with them just to make sure I didn't miss an important email that I forgot to switch to my new address. I would check it every couple of weeks just to make sure.

When I first dropped them for an Internet Service Provider that actually worked, they practically begged me to keep my email addresses active so I did. I had to "re-activate" my account online to switch it over to the new free email service, which was no problem. I did it and thought that would be it. No such luck...

After a few months of using the "free" service, I tried to log in one day and it gave me the "re-activate" your free email account again. I figured it was just a glitch in the system so I went through all the steps again so I could log in.

Then a few logins later, it did the same thing. I'm starting to get annoyed now, so I notified AOL of the problem and went through the steps again to "re-activate" my account so could check my email. My complaint to AOL was ignored and I never heard anything about it as to why their system was doing this.

Now, a couple of weeks ago, guess what... You guessed it! It's telling me YET AGAIN that I have to re-activate my account in order to log in. Well, enough is enough so I notified AOL of the problem and asked them to fix this or at least tell me the reason why I have to put up with this nonsense. Their response was to send me an email canceling my support ticket. No other explanation. I've tried several times to login to my existing email account and still have the same problem. I filled out the onsite form for customer support to report the problem again and got absolutely no response from them. This is customer service at its absolute worst.

Today I filled out the online form again and told them that I was very dissatisfied with their lack of support and they can put their "free email" service where the sun doesn't shine. Within an hour, I got another "support-cancel form" from them via email. No other explanation. So it seems as this giant corporation is letting this (former) customer know that they just don't give a shit whether they lose me as a customer or not. I guess they’re doing so well in the market they can just blow off customers at will.

So now, one of my missions in life is to tell every person I can possibly reach about how much AOL SUCKS and recommend that everyone drop their crappy service and go to a company that actually cares about its customers. They’ve got to have the most pitiful browser on the internet anyway… What does AOL stand for anyway? Oh yea, All Out Lousy…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aol is getting worse can't check my email ? whats up weith that??????????