Friday, February 22, 2008

A Clue as to Character.

As I've been following the political scene, I found it interesting that Hillary again showed no class or courtesy when she gave her speech the evening of the Wisconsin primary. She didn’t bother to mention her losses or congratulate her opponent at all, a repeat of her behavior after her losses on Super Tuesday. Not that it’s required or anything. It’s just something that most people with an ounce of class would do.

What is she thinking? Maybe if she ignores bad things, they will just go away? If she doesn’t acknowledge it, maybe it won’t be real? Or maybe if she concedes defeat, people will think she is losing. Maybe it’s just Hillary showing her true character. Maybe it would help if she cried again…

In reality, she is losing ground and Obama is gaining momentum with every primary. I think the reason is that people are starting to see her true character. Small clues are starting to show through that show the ruthless, “win no matter what it takes attitude.” She will do anything to get elected. She tried shedding a tear and now she is trying to smear her opponent with anything she can use. Plagiarism? Give me a break… As if she has never uttered words that were a quote from someone else. As if either of them actually write their own words anyway.

Give it up Hillary. If it’s a question of character, you’ve already lost.

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