Saturday, February 23, 2008

I've Had It With Politics As Usual

I’m frustrated. I’m fed up with politics as usual in this country. I used to be a registered Republican but I just can’t identify with them anymore. They have strayed too far from the basics that drew me to the party to begin with and it doesn’t look like they are going to come to their senses anytime soon. That certainly doesn’t mean I’m leaning toward becoming a Democrat though. Not by any stretch of the imagination…

I used to think that the Republican party was for less government and more personal freedom, but now I think they are only for less government regulation as it applies to big business and not to benefit the average person.

When Bush went into the present war in Iraq, I supported the decision and even now I think the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein, but now that this war is dragging out with no end in sight, I am becoming more and more convinced that this war was engineered and not for the reasons we think. It was planned more from a standpoint of business and making money than it was a security issue. Even if it was a national security concern at the beginning, the opportunity to make truckloads of money from the war took over and I believe that is the main reason we are still over there.

There is no doubt in my mind that the connection between the administration and Halliburton and the fact that they got all the contracts they did is not random. It was part of the original plan when they first went in. The ties between the administration and this company are so close, they could be considered one and the same. If you want to find out about it, just rent the DVD “Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers” and prepare to be disgusted. Young men are losing their lives over there and it’s so these people can line their pockets.

Then there is the Bush – Big Oil connection. I don’t think anyone realizes the power that the oil companies have over our government. Anybody that doesn’t realize that one of the main reasons we are there is to insure the flow of oil is just deluding themselves. The oil companies aren’t going to back any candidate who says will get us out of the Middle East. They want us there as the police force for the region and the Republican Party is doing exactly what they desire.

What really scares me is that when you listen to all the presidential candidates, who among them is advocating that we get out of there? The only one that will stand up and say he’ll get the U.S. out of there immediately is Ron Paul and his message is being quashed by our biased media, who are also controlled by political interests and big business. He doesn’t stand a chance of getting the Republican nomination because he doesn’t fit into their mold. He doesn’t want to continue the partnership with big business and running the country from that standpoint, he actually wants to change things. Take a look at his website and actually read what he really wants to do and then see if it doesn’t make sense. Take a look at this video and see if you don't agree that we should head in this direction.

Ron Paul is really a Libertarian running as a Republican. He doesn’t think he could get elected as a Libertarian, and he’s probably right. Third parties in our political system never do well. Maybe it’s time for one though. I don’t agree with everything the Libertarian Party advocates either but maybe it’s time for a strong third party to emerge to give voters another choice other than business as usual. We could call it the Common Sense Party or the No Bullshit Party and the platform could be common sense, logical, intelligent solutions to the problems we have with the main goal being to make America the great country she once was. Maybe we could actually have a government that made policy that benefited the people of this country instead of themselves.

Wouldn’t that be a nice change?

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