Thursday, April 3, 2008

Give us a break...

Enough already. I don't know about you but I'm sick of hearing all the whining about the Michigan and Florida delegates and whether they will be seated at the convention. Both states are in a mess of their own making. They broke the rules and now they want to be forgiven and have their votes count.

The whiners say that it's not fair that the people won't have their votes count for anything. Well boo hoo. You shouldn't have broken the rules!

If you want to talk about what's fair, let’s take a look at the situation. The candidates weren't allowed to campaign in either state and Obama wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan. So who in their right mind would consider the elections valid at all?

Neither state can say that the votes cast under those conditions would be a fair accounting of the "will of the people" at that time.

Neither state is willing to pay for a re-vote to have a fair election now.

The DNC is not willing to pay for re-votes in either state nor should they even consider it. They didn't screw up - Michigan and Florida did.

So what's the answer?

There's a very simple solution to this problem. One that will be very easy to accomplish. One that will not cost the taxpayers one penny. One that will let the delegates be seated at the convention and placate the whiners.

Split the delegates 50-50.

Do it and shut up... Please...

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