Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big problems for Obama...

I saw in the news that some people are claiming that the press is guilty of “character assassination” in their coverage of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s words from the pulpit in the church that Barack Obama attends. I’ve heard some say that he was taken out of context. I’ve also heard arguments to the effect that he should be cut some slack because he is speaking to the “angry blacks” in America and that people just don’t understand “black preaching”.

I’m sorry but none of these are valid arguments. As a matter of fact, there is no valid excuse for anything he said. He was speaking as a radical black, white hating, racist pure and simple and he was preaching this to his congregation – leading his church to think like him. That’s what preaching is, is it not? You speak to your congregation to persuade them to the ideas that you want them to believe in. In most churches, it has something to do with what is in the bible. That’s clearly not the case here though.

This man stood at the pulpit and called on God to damn America. He said that rich white people run the country and intentionally released the HIV Virus into society to kill blacks. This is what he preaches. These statements weren’t taken out of context. It wasn’t a slip of the tongue. It was part of a sermon that was very much a racist rant against whites and America in general.

I think this is a major problem for Obama. His speech today helped but didn’t answer the question about his 20 year association with this type of man as his close spiritual advisor and someone he says is like family to him. I just can’t understand why someone would remain close to a man that harbors these kinds of racist, hateful views.

Why would a man continue to go to a church where the pastor is spewing this kind of hate and racism? A pastor preaches sermons to lead his congregation. How can a man participate in a church where the pastor is leading his congregation down this path if he doesn’t agree at least to some degree?

Would you sit there week in and week out listening to man you don’t agree with? Wouldn’t you change churches if you heard your pastor shouting “God damn America” and preaching hate against people of a different color from the pulpit? Would you take your children to hear a man preach this kind of hate?

I’ve heard people say that it shouldn’t matter, it’s only his pastor and he doesn’t agree with what he says but I was always taught that a person is judged by the friends that they keep. People tend to become friends with people that they have a lot in common with and have similar views with.

Barack Obama claims to want to bring America together and that he is the candidate that transcends race but one of his closest friends and someone he supposedly looks up to and respects is the exact polar opposite of his views, a racist that uses his position as a so called religious leader to spread the gospel of hate.

I hate to say it but I think a lot of voters are going to wonder that after 20 years of a close personal relationship, there isn’t just a little Rev. Wright lurking inside Mr. Obama.

This may very well be the beginning of the end for his run at the White House. He’s already dropping in the polls.

At least he’ll still have his spiritual advisor to console him…

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