Friday, March 7, 2008

Tensions are high down south...

The saga continues in S. America. The Organization of American States passed a resolution condemning the Colombian military raid and calling it a violation of Ecuadorian sovereignty.

I somehow get the feeling that they weren’t entirely behind this resolution though. It seems as if they are only doing it to placate Chavez who is pushing all the other countries to be against Colombia. I get the feeling that without the influence of Chavez, they would applaud the action as a victory against world terror and crime. Unfortunately, they don’t have the guts to stand up to Chavez and take the side of right. They would rather mollify him and ignore the fact that his government and that of Ecuador are in alliance with the terrorists.

Chavez and Correa are now trying to divert attention away from that fact by screaming about the violation of Ecuador’s border. What I would like to know is, why wasn’t Mr. Correa upset about the FARC members violating his border? That violation didn’t bother him at all. As a matter of fact, it was just fine with him that they were taking refuge from justice in his country. He didn’t get upset until the Colombian military came across in pursuit of these criminals. Doesn’t that make you wonder just a bit?

Something else that didn’t seem to bother him is the fact that the FARC rebels would shoot across the border at the Colombian police and military. This happened on numerous occasions and it didn’t seem to upset him a bit. If he thinks that a strike against these people was an attack against his country, then these comrades of his shooting across the border could be considered an attack on Colombia by his country. Why didn’t he take any action to stop them?

Then we have Mr. Chavez. He just looks at it as a great opportunity for him to do some “saber rattling” against the United States. That’s why he hates Colombia so much. They are working with the U.S. to ferret out these drug trafficking terrorists to try and stem the flow of illegal drugs, not to mention all the kidnapping and murders that they commit in their country. Chavez looks at any alliance with the U.S. for any reason as a traitorous act against him and his Marxist, Socialist cause and even a personal betrayal. Again, it was none of his business at all. It was between Ecuador and Colombia and not remotely in the vicinity of his country.

Well, today they seemed to reach some sort of an accord at the meeting in the Dominican Republic. All the left-leaning countries stood together against Colombia. President Uribe accused Correa and Chavez of aiding the FARC rebels. Correa called Uribe a liar. Chavez got in some more ranting, name calling and personal insults. Uribe again apologized for Colombia’s actions and promised not to do it again. In the end they all shook hands and it seems as if war has been averted for the time being.

You can bet that won’t be the last we hear about it from Mr. Chavez though…

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