Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Shallow thinking

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the campaign trail.

The Republicans were having a campaign rally in Cincinnati and they had a Conservative talk radio host by the name of Bill Cunningham speaking to the crowd, to “warm them up” before Senator McCain came out to speak.

Well, it seems that over the course of his “warm up”, he made some disparaging remarks about the Democratic nominees Clinton and Obama. He called Obama a “hack” politician and repeatedly referred to him using his middle name, which is Hussein. He referred to the name as being a “fine Muslim name” perpetuating misinformation that Obama is a Muslim.

Well, Senator McCain, known for being a gentleman who insists on running a clean campaign focused on the issues, apologized for the remarks made by Cunningham promising that “it will never happen again.” This was the right thing for him to do in keeping with the type of campaign he is trying to run.

Now, the story said that this Mr. Cunningham is a rather flamboyant, “in your face” type of radio talk show host, I can’t say personally since I’d never heard of him before reading the story, but I would guess that his remarks wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

I would also think that he would be a McCain supporter. Why else would he accept an invitation to speak, right? If you are backing a candidate enough to come out and speak at their campaign event, you must believe it what they believe it right? That’s what I would think anyway.

However, and this is the part that really baffles me, after McCain said he disapproved of Cunningham’s remarks, Mr. Cunningham reacted as if it was a personal attack against him. He said he’d had it with John McCain and he was now going to support Hillary Clinton.

How could someone be so shallow that they would abandon their beliefs at the drop of a hat? McCain says he doesn’t approve of his remarks so he immediately goes over to the other side? Is this how people decide which candidate to back? Whatever happened to backing someone that you agree with on the issues and that you think will guide the country in the direction you believe it should go? What is he thinking? Or is he just being petty? I guess that would explain it… no thinking involved here…

I sure hope the majority of the voters in this country have more intelligence and responsibility than this guy or we ARE in trouble…

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