Friday, May 16, 2008

Thanks for nothin’ Saudi Arabia

I want to know something. What does the United States do when there are people in need anywhere in the world? I mean, when there is a natural disaster, an earthquake, cyclone, famine causing drought, etc, etc…

What does America do? We offer aid of course. We offer to help and provide money, medical supplies, food or whatever is needed to lend a hand to those who are in dire need. Even when we can’t really afford it, like now when our economy is in the tank, we offer to do what we can.

So I’m curious, did any other government or people anywhere offer to help us when the devastating hurricane Katrina hit a couple of years back? I don’t really remember if the rest of the world offered to give us any help. Not that we asked or anything.

But now, today, our President asked for a little help from Saudi Arabia. He asked that they increase oil production temporarily to help ease the cost of gas in our country to help our economy a bit. It sounded like a reasonable request to me. Not too much to ask from the people that are getting filthy rich from the sale of oil to the rest of the world, right?

You know what they said? They said no. They said they’re not going to do that. Not we’ll look at it or we’ll consider it, just no. They pretty much told our President and our country to take a hike.

Now this is a country that is supposed to be friendly to the United States. Some friends… I guess we know how much we can count on them when we need them. I guess we know what we get if we ask for help. Gee thanks Saudi Arabia. I wish we had more friends like you.

One day soon, we are going to come up with an alternate energy source that is going to make that oil you ration out so carefully to keep the price high, totally worthless.

I can’t wait for that day.

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