Friday, May 16, 2008


I saw in the news today that the U.N. is blaming the United States for a downturn in the WORLD economy. As a matter of fact, they said the U.S. will "continue to be a major drag for the world economy extending into 2009."

For crying out loud, is there anything else that rest of the world can blame us for???

I've about had it with being held responsible for everything that's wrong in the world. I swear, no matter what the U.S. does in any situation, we get flack.

If there's injustice and tyranny in some third world country and we ignore it we're cold and heartless and don't have any compassion. If we get involved with our military we're accused of being "war mongers" or trying to "impose" democracy on them. If there's a natural disaster somewhere and we send aid, we're accused of trying to exert our "influence" and establish a "presence" in their country.

Well, enough is enough. I think we need to start a movement in this country to insist our government remove our military presence and our "influence" from every other country on the globe.

We can start by withdrawing our influence in Myanmar. Everything that is getting sent in there is being stolen by their military government anyway so it's a waste of our tax dollars. Let our detractors lend a hand.

We should have never offered help to China either. They're not a poor country; they don't want or need our help. Why should we bother? Let the rest of world help them out.

I think we should withdraw from the Middle East totally. Bring our troops home. Let the religious fanatics have their way and butcher each other. We'll just leave the whole situation for the U.N. to handle. They'll be able to take care of it.

We can use the military to strengthen our own borders and stop the illegal immigrants from invading OUR country.

We can use all the money we're spending trying to keep the world’s dictators, tyrants and terrorists in check to pay down our debt and get our economy back on track.

We'll stop spending our hard earned dollars importing lead laced crap from China and overpriced, poorly made clothing from third world sweat shops just because some Hollywood type slaps their name on it to make it this week's "in" thing. Next month it will be a shop rag in a garage somewhere.

Start wising up America. Let's keep our dollars at home. Let the rest of the world buy this garbage. We don't need it.

Does this sound like a rant? Do I sound like I'm pissed off? Well, that's because I am and I think it's time the rest of the country got pissed off as well.

Let's make some noise.

Let's do something about it.

Let's start that movement.

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