Monday, September 29, 2008

Democrat Nut Jobs At It Again

If you haven’t heard, the 700 billion dollar bailout package failed to pass congress today. In response, the stock market fell over 700 points, the largest one day drop in history.

You want to know why it failed to pass? The answer is partisan politics, pure and simple. The so called “bi-partisan” effort that was supposed to be happening didn’t. I’m beginning to think that the whole notion of bi-partisanship is a myth. If the democrats and republicans can’t set politics aside and pull together in a crisis this serious, they NEVER will.

The bill may have had a chance to pass but then Nancy Pelosi, the head democratic nut job got up and made a caustic speech demonizing the Bush administration, blaming them for the whole situation, insulted and denigrating all republicans and then expected them to join her in the vote? If that’s her idea of bi-partisanship, of reaching across the isle, of being a leader and bringing people together, well quite frankly, she a nut job. It was absolutely the most outrageous behavior I have ever seen.

She didn’t even wait until after the vote to spew her liberal democratic rhetoric. All she wanted to do was what democrats always do, point fingers and blame others when they are the ones actually at fault. As I stated in my previous post, all the housing market and bad mortgage problems were started by the democrats forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to deal in the bad paper and even after repeated warnings by the Bush administration they did nothing to fix it. Democrats, as recently as a few months ago insisting there was nothing wrong with those two institutions. All the warnings went unheeded by congress.

They also immediately blamed the republicans for the bill not passing today. Well, guess what! 95 democrats voted against the bill. It failed by 12 votes so why didn’t these 95 democrats vote for it and pass it? They have a majority. There is no excuse for them not to pass it! If Ms. Pelosi was any kind of leader at all, she should have been able to get 12 more votes out of 95 in her own party.

I’ll tell you, I’m not too happy with ANY of these politicians at the moment, but these democrats are absolutely disgusting. If the test of a politician is how good a LIAR you are, they take the prize.

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