Wednesday, September 24, 2008

John McCain Puts Country First Again

Today Senator McCain announced he would suspend his Presidential campaign and asked that Friday’s debate be postponed because he is going to Washington to work on the grave problem facing the country, our failing economy.

The bail out legislation put forth by President Bush has little chance of passing in its present form and congress needs to come together in a by-partisan effort to expedite the changes needed and get it passed.

This is something that needs urgent attention and action and John McCain is putting the welfare of our country first. He is going back to the senate to DO HIS JOB as a Senator and actually do something about this problem.

He communicated his intentions to Senator Obama and asked him to join him in this effort. Senator Obama’s opinion was that congress could handle the problem without him and that the candidates should continue their campaigns and do the debate as scheduled. Barack Obama put himself first and country second.

Now, I ask you, which response to a serious threat to the welfare of this country is the appropriate one?

Which person would you rather have as President of the United States, a man that takes charge and confronts problems without hesitation or someone that would rather let others handle it?

If this situation is a test of these two men, only one passed.

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