Thursday, October 23, 2008

Colin Powell Now a Democrat?

I have to say that I was disappointed but not very surprised when Colin Powell endorsed Obama the other day. Not only has he turned against his political party, he has basically turned his back on what he has stood for through his entire career.

He stated his reasons, citing Obama’s “ability to inspire” and his being a “transformational figure”. I don’t know what he means by transformational figure but endorsing him because he’s a good speaker is pretty shallow. Just because someone is good at making speeches doesn’t show they are going to be a good leader or good for our country. Adolf Hitler had the “ability to inspire” too we all know the folly of following him.

Most everything that Mr. Powell stated about why he is flipping his allegiance simply parroted the other democrats.

He stated that he is concerned about what he perceives as a negative turn of the McCain campaign’s “attempts” to tie Obama to the radical terrorist Bill Ayers. Well, there isn’t any “attempt” needed. It is an undisputed fact that Obama and Bill Ayers were friends. They have known each other for years. He’s been to his house. They served on a board together. Obama wrote an endorsement for Ayers’ book. The democrats and now Mr. Powell simply “attempt” to sweep it under the rug. They “attempt” to minimize it as much as they can, just as they attempt to minimize his friendships with the racist preaching Jeremiah Wright and his ties to Luis Farrakhan.

He also stated that he was impressed by Obama’s dealing with the financial crisis. Right… I’d like to know what Obama did to impress him. As far as I could tell, he did nothing but continue his campaigning while John McCain suspended his campaign and returned to Washington to work on the problem. Now all the democrats say that Obama handled the problem and McCain did nothing. Now that’s some of the best spin I’ve ever heard and Mr. Powell stated it verbatim from the democrat playbook.

He also stated that he didn’t like the choice of Gov. Palin as John McCain’s running mate stating that he didn’t think she’s ready to be president. That might be a valid argument if she was running for president but she’s not, John McCain is. How good of a president does he think Joe Biden would be? I don’t know about you but that guy flat out scares me. I’ll take Sarah Palin over Joe Biden ANY DAY, but here again; this statement is right out of the democrat script.

With this kind of rhetoric, I can’t help but think that race is a prominent factor here. I think he wanted to get on the bandwagon and he was just looking for a good opportunity to do it. It just goes to show you how strong a motivation race can be. Enough to turn his back on his party and the long term relationships he has built in past administrations.

But, I’ll bet that Mr. Powell will be rewarded for this act with a prominent position in the Obama administration once he is in office, at the very least a cabinet position.

Well, I know it makes no difference, but I had a lot of respect for Colin Powell and said many times I would vote for him for President if he ever ran.

I’m sorry to say he’s gone down some in my estimation.

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