Monday, October 27, 2008

Is this what we have in store for us?

I don’t get it. I thought the democrats and liberals were supposed to espouse tolerance and understanding, equality for the common man, etc., etc. I guess that is only if you are a fellow democrat and don’t have any other view but theirs, huh? So it seems.

Is what we have been seeing from them a preview of what an Obama administration is going to be like? Is it what his side wants to turn America into? I’ll tell you what I mean. Let’s examine their behavior.

The first thing that gave me pause was when John McCain announced Gov. Palin as his running mate. The democrats, the Obama camp and the liberal media went into a feeding frenzy going after this woman. I’m not even talking about the issues either. They were vicious in their attacks and it was on a personal level. They found one person in Alaska with an ax to grind and printed all her negative comments without even checking them out such as the “book banning” story that was patently untrue. They made accusations that her baby was really her daughter’s baby. Nothing seemed to be off limits. Nothing was too low. It certainly wasn’t what one would consider fair and responsible reporting either, but then again we don’t have that from most media outlets in this country.

I think what really told the story on what the Obama crowd really thinks of Gov. Palin was when she was interviewed by Charlie Gibson. If you look at his body language and the look on his face, he had a very arrogant posture and was looking down his nose at her when he was asking his questions. You could almost see him thinking, “Who are you, little lady, to dare to think that you deserve to be running for vice president? You’re just a mere commoner.”

I really think that is why they hate her so much. She is not one of the political elite. She is just a common everyday person. She doesn’t have the pedigree that they believe you must have to be part of the “ruling class” such as the democrats consider themselves to be. They will take and have been taking ANY opportunity to insult, denigrate, degrade or discredit her. Nothing is off limits for them.

The next thing that absolutely amazed me was the whole flap over Joe the plumber. Here’s another common everyday person who happened to find Obama campaigning in his neighborhood so he went outside and asked him a question. Well, it wasn’t a question that the Obama camp wanted asked or wanted to answer but it happened to be on camera so they had to try and discredit the question. The way they did this was to go after the poor guy that asked the question. They went after him like he was a candidate running against them. They took apart his life. They looked into his plumbing license and when they found out he didn’t have one, they called him a liar and said he wasn’t really a plumber. They looked into his tax returns. They looked at his tax returns. The guy merely ASKED A QUESTION and here’s the “party of tolerance” trying to shred the guy. Here again also is the wonderful media that’s in the tank with Obama reporting it all without bothering with things like FACTS. The FACT is, he works for someone else so he doesn’t need a license, he works under the owner’s license. Most of us common folks know that, I guess the “elite” don’t.

The latest thing that’s happened that has the Obamaniacs showing their true colors is the reporter asking Joe Biden whether of not his running mate’s policy of wanting to “spread the wealth around”, or take money from one group and give it to another, isn’t a Marxist tenet. His response was to pompously ask the reporter if it was a joke or was it a real question. When she said it’s a question, he scoffed and said that’s not what he wants to do. I guess he hasn’t been listening, because that’s EXACTLY what Sen. Obama has said he wants to do and he used those exact words.

After the interview was over, they retaliated against the station by canceling an interview with Biden’s wife that was scheduled for immediately after his interview. They also said they were denying that station any further access to their campaign. They were shutting them out.

Now that’s pretty scary when you think about it. For all their indignation about being compared to socialists, that is a patently socialist move. If you don’t like what the media outlet is asking or talking about, just shut them down. That’s how Castro controls the press in Cuba. It’s how Chavez controls the press in Venezuela and it sounds a lot like communist Russia, don’t you think?

For all their posturing, they sure don’t seem to really be on the side of the common man. It seems to this common man that they are extremely elitist and consider themselves to be far above most people in this country. They feel that they are the ruling class and they need to be in power to take care of the poor, stupid masses like all of us “Joe the plumber” types. You know the type, the ones that cling to their Bibles and guns when things get tough. They feel we should only be clinging to THEM when things get tough. They feel we need to be taken care of, like a small child or the family dog.

They certainly don’t have any tolerance for anyone that doesn’t agree with them and if you disagree and happen to tell them or heaven forbid, ask the wrong question, look out. I guess Joe is lucky he only got his personal life picked apart and not hauled off to a concentration camp. Then again, Obama and the rest of the radical left aren’t quite in power yet.

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