Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Real Obama?

Why does the American voting public seem not to be concerned? I don’t understand it, I really don’t.

When I was growing up, my parents told me many times that I would be judged by the company I keep. They told me that if I hung out with the “bad kids” I would be judged a bad kid too. They explained that it’s not just “guilt by association” but people realize that if I know I am associating with people of questionable character and I continue to associate with them, I am in fact validating and endorsing their behavior and beliefs and demonstrating I am of a like mind. I’ve remembered that lesson my entire life.

So why is it that we seem on the verge of electing a person to the highest office in our great country that has the worst associations of anyone ever to run for office? Why is the Democratic Party ignoring it and trying to sweep it under the rug? Why is the Liberal media not reporting it? Why is it that the voting public doesn’t seem to care?

Let’s take a look at who he is and who his friends are and who is behind him and endorsing him for president.

First of all, he scoffs at anyone that describes him as a socialist but by his own actions and words, if he is not a socialist, he is a socialist sympathizer. In his own book he stated that when he was in college he chose his friends carefully, choosing “The more politically active black students, the foreign students. the chicanos, the Marxist professors and structural feminists."

The most well know Marxists he associated with are the America hating, terrorist criminals Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn. These people carried out bombings against the Pentagon, the Capitol building and the New York City police department and are self described Marxists, Communists and friends of Obama. He’s been to his house. They hosted a party for him there as he was running for office for the first time. They helped him launch his political career. Obama wrote a recommendation for Ayers’ book. He worked with him. They are friends and not just casual acquaintances as he now would have you believe. When recently asked if he was sorry for what he did, Ayers said he was not sorry at all. He wished he had bombed more. Here’s a picture of him showing his opinion of America:

Here’s a little tidbit about Ayers that should make any moderate democrat cringe. Bill Ayers wrote in one of his books praise for and dedicated the book to people he considers “political prisoners” and in the list of people he admired and sympathized with, one Sirhan Sirhan, the person who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy. Would you be a friend to this man?

Next we have Jeremiah Wright, his pastor, mentor and friend for over 20 years. This man is a radical leftist, racist preacher who preaches hatred against whites in his church. Yes, this is the man who during his sermon, in his church made the statement “God Damn America” and says it’s in the Bible. He refers to our country as the “U. S. of KKK A.”

He preaches Black Liberation Theology which is based in Marxism. He is friends with Luis Farrakhan who is well known for his racist anti-white and anti-Semitic views. These two men traveled together to the Middle East to meet with Muammar el-Qaddafi. Both men are against Israel and side with the PLO. Obama referred to him as one of his closest friends and mentors for over 20 years. He went to his church and listened to him preach hatred for over 20 years and only denounced him when it became public when he was running for president.

And when Rev. Wright isn’t around, father Michael Pfleger fills in. I won’t bother telling you about him. The only description that comes to mind when I see him is “raving lunatic”. You can judge for yourself:

Both Obama and Bill Ayers are friends with a guy name Rashid Khalidi who, although he denies being an “official” spokesman for the PLO, repeatedly endorses and defends them any time he speaks. Obama attended a dinner, along with Bill Ayers, given for Khalidi. He even spoke at this gathering. The LA Times has a video of the event and it’s reported that there were many anti-Jewish statements made by Khalidi and others in attendance. They are refusing to release the video. The Times insists that Obama made no derogatory statements himself on the video. I would wonder why they are refusing to release it then. There must be something on it that would put him in a bad light. Perhaps his reaction to the statements? We don’t know.

I heard the other day that according to polls, 75% of the Jews in Florida are backing Obama. Are they not paying attention?

Well, there’s more. Obama, although he didn’t go himself, sent his recently appointed “Muslim Outreach” director (the former director resigned over links to a radical cleric. (hmmm… what a coincidence…) to a meeting attended by several Muslim extremists, one of whom has close ties to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Another has publicly announced his support for the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Yet another extremist attendee to this meeting has stated that "You will see Islam move from being the second largest religion in America -- to being the first religion in America."

Now, I am asking the question, does Obama sympathize with the views of these extremists or is he just buddying up to them to court the Muslim vote? He IS definitely trying to get the Muslim vote. That part is not in question as he has stated he wants the Muslim vote but is he just trying to use them to get elected or is he making deals behind the scenes and making promises to get the Muslim vote? I have to say, either way, it stinks and I don’t like it.

And we may as well include Tony Rezko in this notorious group. The full extent of any impropriety involving Rezko and Obama is unclear but a few facts are undisputed. I’ll state them here and let you draw your own conclusions.

Rezko was involved in the land deal that got Obama his 1.65 million dollar house at a $300,000 discount. At the same time Obama bought the house, Rezko’s wife purchased the vacant lot next door. Obama had mentioned his interest in that lot to Rezko. Shortly after Rezko came under federal investigation for influence peddling, Obama purchased a portion of that lot from Rezko’s wife.

There is also some question as to any connection to one Nadhami Auchi who is an Iraqi billionaire and former bagman for Saddam Hussein and obviously anti-Israel. He was also accused of laundering money for Hussein and Khadafi.

It is rumored that Rezko contacted Obama for help in getting Auchi a visa to enter the U.S. in 2005. Obama denies helping Auchi but he did attend a party Rezko threw for Auchi in 2004 but denies meeting him.

Auchi transferred 3.5 million dollars to Rezko for investment in real estate in Chicago’s south loop. This was shortly before the Obama house deal. There is speculation that the money from Auchi may have been to help Obama in the deal or it may have been that Rezko was trying to shield assets as he had several pending lawsuits at the time. Exactly what money came from where and went to who isn’t exactly clear but then again, we have a money launderer working with a slum lord shady real estate investor and Barack Obama.

Tony Rezko was indicted in 2006 as the result of a federal investigation known as “Operation Board Games”. He went to trial and this year was found guilty on 16 charges including wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering and corrupt solicitation. I’m not exactly clear on the details but the 3.5 million dollar money transfer from Auchi may have played a part in Rezko’s conviction.

Have you noticed that all these friends of Obama are now in hiding? Why is that? Ayers won’t speak to any reporters and ducks the cameras. Khalidi refuses to speak and runs from the cameras and tries to hide his face. Rev. Wright has disappeared from public view as has Pfleiger. Tony Rezko isn’t talking. Oh yeah, he’s in jail…

The fact is that this guy has a lot of very shady characters in his past and present circle of friends. and

Now let’s delve into Obama’s involvement with ACORN. For those of you that don’t know, ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now) is a radical leftist group with a history of strong arm tactics and intimidation to get what they want. ACORN was the group that was instrumental in pressuring banks into making the bad loans that directly lead to the recent mortgage banking meltdown involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They claim to be involved in “get out the vote” movements but in fact they have a history of promoting voter fraud. They have been found guilty of voter fraud in the past and are presently under federal investigation again for voter fraud in this election.

Obama denied any direct connection with the group but later changed his story. As a lawyer, he represented them in a lawsuit against the state of Illinois. He taught classes for future leaders of ACORN. When Obama served as the head of the Woods Fund with Bill Ayers, he funneled grant money to ACORN. The Obama campaign also paid over $800,000 to CSI, a “subsidiary” of ACORN and then attempted to hide it by filing finance reports to the Federal Election Commission claiming the money was for “polling, advance work and staging major events”. When it was discovered, they said it was a mistake and amended the report to say the money was actually for “get out the vote” activities.

Just as a point of interest, creating a dummy company under another name is a common money laundering technique. That company can then receive cash and on paper it doesn’t appear to be going to the company that actually ends up with it. For example, ACORN could create a company called CSI that could then receive cash payments. The organization paying could say they paid CSI money for services rendered such as “lighting and staging” when in fact CSI does nothing other than receive the money and pass it along to ACORN for their activities. All hypothetical of course…

Sen. Obama has said that, "I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues that you care about my entire career." He also says he wants to have organizations like this come to the White House to help shape his agenda.

Have you noticed the number of people here surrounding Barack Obama that are on the wrong side of the law?

Now, I’ll just mention some of his more sordid supporters. I know that he can’t help who endorses him. He has no control over that but it still makes me a little uneasy when I see who is backing him for president. It makes me wonder why they are backing him. Here are a few I would wonder about:

Luis Farrakhan
Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Father Pfleiger
ACORN (now under investigation for voter fraud)
France's socialist party head Francois Hollande
Communist Party USA
Hugo Chavez
Fidel Castro
Paul Reyes (Columbia’s terrorist FARC chieftain) says he doesn’t “endorse” Obama but would like to see him in the White House (figure that one out…)

I guess everyone will have to decide for themselves about this man. I don’t know about you but I just have too many unanswered questions, too many unknowns and what I do know, I don’t like...

"A man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth."
-- Charles Darwin

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