Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Illinois Governor Under Arrest

Well, here’s a surprise. We have yet another corrupt politician exposed (like a cockroach when you turn on the light). Not to sound cynical but, is there any other kind? It makes one wonder…

The governor of President Elect Obama’s home state of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich (D) and his chief of staff, John Harris, were arrested today on federal corruption charges including conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, solicitation of bribes and basically trying to sell the senate seat vacated by Obama to the highest bidder. He was trying to get cash, campaign contributions, a cabinet position for himself or at least an ambassadorship, a figurehead job where he could be paid a bloated salary for basically doing nothing and a similar cushy, high paying job for his wife that would pay her at least $150,000 annually, plus anything and everything else he could weasel out of anybody I’m sure.

It’s not just this recent activity that has him in hot water though. He was being investigated for his role in trying to assert influence to get members of the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board fired. It is also reported he schemed with others, including none other than Tony Rezko to obtain financial benefits for himself, his campaign committee, his family and others.

If that name sounds familiar, Tony Rezko is the shady “real estate developer” that was convicted of wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering and corrupt solicitation back in 2006. Mr. Rezko and Mr. Blagojevich have a lot in common it seems. Birds of a feather… By the way, Tony Rezko is also the guy who had dealings with another Illinois politician, when he made a sweet deal to one Barack Obama when he sold him his house. Just a point of interest…

It turns out Gov. Blagojevich has been under investigation for some time now with his office bugged and his phones tapped. He knew he was under investigation, yet he arrogantly and blatantly carried out his quest for money and favors in exchange for Obama’s vacated seat, stating that it is a very valuable thing and he’s not going to give it away for free.

He further demonstrated his utter arrogance when during a press conference, he mocked those investigating him, saying they “sneakily” listened in on his phone conversations, insinuating that they somehow violated his privacy. Right… every politician should be free to carry out their corrupt and illegal activities without those pesky old cops catching them.

He thought as governor, he wielded enough power to be untouchable. He considered himself to be above the law. Who would dare touch him? Well, as it turns out, the FBI would and did. He took the ride in handcuffs this very morning.

This guy is the epitome of a corrupt politician. He is the very definition of the term. I can’t begin to explain the level of disgust I feel at having this kind of despicable cull in our government.

The crying shame is, there are a whole lot more…

Can you imagine what they would uncover if they tapped the phones and bugged the offices of the members of congress?

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