Thursday, January 1, 2009


This guy is unbelievable. Illinois’ insult to the office of governor, Rod Blagojevich effectively gave America and our political system the finger by appointing someone to Obama’s vacated senate seat.

Can you believe the arrogance of this jerk? I can’t believe that he actually thinks he has even an ounce of credibility left. He doesn’t. He’s done. He’s a piece of crap on the bottom of society’s shoe whether he wants to admit it or not. It’s absolutely disgusting that this walking turd is still in office. Too bad we don’t hold to the old tradition and give him what he deserves, to be tarred and feathered and thrown out on his ass.

In reality, what he has done is to further disgrace his office and now bring disgrace to the senate. There is no way that anyone appointed by him would not be subject to doubt. How can anyone not think that there is some sort of backroom deal connected with it? Especially when you see the two of them standing up there with big fat grins on their faces like everything is perfectly fine. I'm surprised Blago didn't just haul out a gavel at the podium, slam it down and yell, "SOLD!". That would have been appropriate I think.

I don’t know anything about this guy he chose, Roland Burris, but in my opinion, it doesn’t say much about his character that he would even accept the tainted appointment from someone that is clearly trying to profit from it. Anyone with any honor and integrity would have refused the appointment as did at least one person that was offered it before Burris.

Mr. Burris however, has stated that "The governor has the constitutional and statutory authority to make the appointment. We are certainly going to make contact with the leadership of the Senate to let them know that the governor of Illinois has made a legal appointment, and that I am currently the junior senator for the state of Illinois."

He impresses me as being totally unconcerned about how he gets to the senate, as long as he gets there. He wants it so badly that he will get it any way he can, even if it brings shame upon him or to the senate. He doesn’t seem to care.

The leaders in the senate have said that they will block any appointment by the soon to be indicted governor so there’s still a chance that they will be able to maintain a shred of integrity in this whole mess. A very small chance.

We’ll see…

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