Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Letterman vs Palin

I’ve been listening to all the hoopla about David Letterman’s disgusting joke directed at Sarah Palin and her daughter for about a week now. I’ve heard all the liberals defend him and the joke, saying he didn’t really mean it and he didn’t really direct it at the younger daughter, he meant it for the older daughter. I’ve listened to him talk about it and give first a statement that he called an apology that really wasn’t and now an actual apology for the joke. And of course I’ve listened to all the talking heads dissect what he’s said…

You know what? I’m not buying it for a minute. I heard several people talking about it today on the radio and a couple said that it was a heartfelt apology and he was sincerely sorry. Ya, right…

He’s offered up a bunch of excuses, saying he didn’t know that the daughter was at the game. Well, if that’s the case, I guess he doesn’t know what’s going on in his own town since the media plasters all the details of everything Governor Palin does on every TV screen and tabloid available.

Then he said he thought the older daughter was the one at the game. He actually said he researched it to make sure she was of legal age, 18. Right… But he didn’t bother to find out which daughter it was at the game. You believe that, right?

You know what I think? I think he just plain didn’t care which daughter it was because he thought he could get away with it. He thought that he could tell any kind of disgusting joke about Governor Palin’s daughter to get his insult across. He believed that his audience wouldn’t care. After all, he’s been telling the same kinds of jokes about her ever since she became John McCain’s running mate, right through the election and right up to now. He believed that his viewing audience hates her as much as he does and he can pretty much say anything he wants and they’ll laugh at her too. That’s just the kind of guy he is.

Now he’s offering up what sounds like a real apology. You know why? It’s only because enough people got upset about it that it might just hurt his wallet. One advertiser has already pulled it’s ads from the CBS website and there is a growing movement to have Letterman go the way of Don Imus. Many are saying his comments are worse than what Imus said and they pulled the plug on him.

There is enough of an uproar about this that most people are starting to realize just how disgusting his comments were so now they’re calling for him to be pulled off the air. So THAT he understands. If it wasn’t for that, he’d still be snickering about it and planning his next insult for her.

What amazes me about his whole thing is that anybody is actually surprised by his behavior. He’s been doing distasteful jokes about anyone that doesn’t happen to have his political view or anyone he considers inferior to himself for most of his career. So does most of the liberal media and the entertainment industry in general. Their disdain for conservatives and conservative WOMEN in particular is utterly apparent and even blatant, so why would we expect any less? A comment about Governor Palin looking “slutty” and her 14 year old daughter being “knocked up by Alex Rodriguez” fits right in with their style.

So Dave, you can give us a pretend apology to try and save your ass but most of us know how you really feel. That’s why I for one don’t watch your show to begin with. Maybe more people will now realize that your tasteless jokes and total lack of class just isn’t worth watching.

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