Sunday, June 28, 2009

The National Debt

I don't know about you, but I am worried. I have a very bad feeling about where our country is headed with it's fiscal policy since Obama became president and the democrats control every aspect of our federal government.

For anyone with more than a handful of operating brain cells, it's not hard to figure out that our federal government, in the hands of the democrats, are spending our country into oblivion, but to really put it in perspective and have it illustrated in easy to understand terms, take a look at this video:

Now, for those of you that continue to argue that the Bush administration spent all the money and put us in debt, or he started it, or it's all his fault, or he put us on the road, or whatever lame way you try and blame him, it doesn't wash. The argument is not valid, period.

Make no mistake about it, when our economy reaches severe depression level and we have runaway inflation, record unemployment levels and interest rates at unaffordable rates, it will be the fault of Obama and the democrats and nobody else.

Hang on people, it's going to be a very rough ride...

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