Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Letter to Our Newest Senator

I received a newsletter from our newest Senator, George LeMieux today. In it, he said that he cast his vote against the confirmation of Cass Sunstein for the head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and he voted for blocking federal funds to ACORN, the radical activist group that our government has been funding for quite some time. I was glad to see he voted intelligently in these two instances.

Now, I'm sure that the Democrats confirmed Sunstein and his strong anti-constitutional views and I'm sure that the Democrats passed more funding for ACORN so they can keep trying to commit voter fraud and help prostitutes subvert the law and evade taxes, but at least Senator LeMieux voted correctly, the Democrats are another matter. Anyway, I decided to write an email to Senator LeMieux and let him know that I am watching what he does, so I am printing the email here:

Congratulations Senator, I'm glad to see at least one member of congress vote in the best interests of the people, at least in your first two votes anyway. Keep up the good work and always keep the constitution in mind when you're deciding how to vote on an issue. More government control = LESS freedom. Let's make this the country with the MOST freedom again.

And if you want my views on healthcare, I do believe we need to fix a few problems with the system we have. We DO NOT need to revamp the entire system. For example, taking steps to increase competition to help control costs is a first step. Maybe require doctors and clinics to post a pricelist of all routine procedures so people can more easily compare costs would help make it easier for people to shop around for the best price. Same thing for dentists too. The consumer needs more power here, not the government. If it doesn't work, then take stronger measures. I believe we need to TAKE SMALL STEPS when we make changes to ward against unforeseen detrimental consequences.

If the main concern is the people that don't have insurance, make the insurance companies offer low cost or partially subsidized, depending on need, (the taxpayer pays for the uninsured anyway right?) insurance to the poor as a group with group rates. People that leave their jobs or become unemployed do need access to low cost insurance so they should be covered under this also. The main idea is, the government can be involved in an oversight capacity but MINIMALLY. WE DO NOT WANT GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE.

We do not want government run ANYTHING, because the government cannot run anything right! Is there any government program that is actually run well and that doesn't run in the red? Does our government ever show any fiscal responsibility? If our government was a large corporation and had to present their books to a congressional hearing to get a government bailout, what would all the windbags in congress tell them? They would tell them that they don't know how to run a company and their company is run by a bunch of greedy crooks who've run the company into the ground and just want all the perks they can get and to milk the system for everything it's worth and then jump out with a golden parachute. They'd tell them they have to change their ways and do things right. Hell, they'd probably tell them their company is too far gone and their isn't enough money in circulation to save them. Are you starting to get the idea?

Our government sucks wind. If you want to clean something up, if you really want to fix something, then start in your own house. Make government work first before you start trying to run everything else.

Marvin J. Miller
U.S. Citizen and Voter
I don't know if he will heed what I say, I'm only one guy, but by if a bunch of people start telling him the same thing, he will have to start listening. It's time we started telling these guys in our government what we want them to do. We need to start pumping emails and letters into our government to let them know that we are watching, we are involved, we care, and we will start holding them responsible for what they do and if they don't do what we want, vote them out of office. It's time we started using the power we have and vote their corrupt asses out at the first chance we get.

Get involved. You can email Senator LeMieux at: or find your Senator at: and your Representative at:

Start emailing them regularly. Sign up for their newsletter. Let them know you are watching.

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