Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Socialists In Our Government

I don't know if many of you realize that our government is moving more and more toward socialism. I know a lot of you will scoff at that notion and just blow it off, insisting that can't be true. Well, listen up. Listen to what these people are actually saying when they speak. We have socialists in our government and some of them have been there a for years. Now they have a president that is one of them so they are a little more free in speaking out, all you have to do is listen.

Take a look at congresswoman Diane Watson of California. Listen to her as she says what a great leader Fidel Castro is and the great health care plan he put in place down there in communist Cuba.

Just what I want in my government, someone who thinks Fidel Castro is a wonderful guy who does great things.

I wonder what kind of reception she would get if she said that in a speech down in Miami...

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