Sunday, October 25, 2009

Obama Administration Hypocrites and Liars Are Still At It

Well, here’s the Obama administration showing again how hypocritical they are. While the Obama administration is blacklisting Fox News Channel because they have commentators that are right wing, they are calling left wing commentators to the White House for a private meeting. Even more specifically, the administration has been pointing fingers directly at commentators Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity but has a private meeting with MSNBC personalities Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow.

Gee, I wonder what was being said in THAT meeting. You think they might be plotting against Fox News? You think maybe Obama is instructing the left wing press as to how he wants them to report and what he wants them to say? Ask yourself, why would the president of the United States call TV news personalities to the White House for a private meeting? And even more importantly, why would he waste time with this rather than spending time addressing the real issues facing the Nation? Does he think that meeting with Keith Olbermann is more important than coming up with a plan for Afghanistan? Or maybe telling Rachel Maddow to talk him up is more important than unemployment and the economy. Get a clue Mr. President.

Now we hear that the Obama administration specifically tried to exclude Fox News from last Thursday’s interviews with pay czar Ken Feinberg. Then they lied about it and claimed they didn’t. Guess what though; their Chicago thug style vendetta that they’ve been trying to carry out blew up in their faces when CBS news and others said that’s going too far and called them out on it. The other news people realize that if they get away with restricting free speech by excluding Fox, it could be any one of them that they could exclude the next time.

Well, you could say that wasting time on this assault against Fox has been senseless, stupid, arrogant, etc. but it’s also a major waste of the public trust. It’s not what we pay them for. The president and his administration should be above this. They should not be concerning themselves with controlling the media. Oh wait, I forgot, controlling the media IS a major concern for a socialist regime. They were looking to their idols Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin…

Well, back in the United States of America, I think it’s safe to say that the Obama administration has officially LOST this major war they were waging with Fox News Channel. Let’s hope they fair better in those other minor conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unbelievable…

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Yes the White House has declared war, on of all things, Fox News Network. The White House is sending out it’s propagandists to declare that Fox News is not a real news network. Of all the things that Obama has to handle right now, the economic mess, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and the quandary of whether to send more troops or not, nuclear weapons in Korea and Iran, what’s the main thing occupying their minds? Fox News… Ya, way to set your priorities there guys…

So let’s take a look at what they are saying. White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel told CNN that President Obama does not want "the CNNs and the others in the world [to] basically be led in following Fox."

Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said the other media outlets should join the Obama administration and also declare that Fox is “not a news organization.” While speaking to ABC, he said, “Other news organizations like yours ought not to treat them that way. We’re not going to treat them that way.”

White House communications director Anita Dunn said Fox is “opinion journalism masquerading as news.”

So they’ve clearly decided to single out one network and wage war on them directly.

So let’s take a look at one reason the communications director is upset with Fox News Sunday. She criticized Fox News Sunday for fact-checking an administration official on the show. Now, she’s not upset that the fact-checking was wrong, she’s upset that they dared to do the fact-checking. She is upset with Fox News Sunday because they dared to question their administration official, not that they were wrong or inaccurate in their reporting. Then she has the gall to say they are not a news network. Right…

Take a good hard look at what they are doing here. AT NO TIME have they brought up any inaccuracies in Fox’s reporting. AT NO TIME have they said they got anything wrong. They can’t because everything Fox reports is the truth, plain and simple. If they were misrepresenting the facts, you can bet the White House would point it out, but they haven’t. Basically, they’re just hurling insults.

So why are they doing this? Because they want to do everything they can to silence the opposition. They want to silence Fox because they are the only network that is reporting some of the things that are going on behind the scenes in the “shadow government” that you don’t see in the daylight. These people in this administration are people that idolize Socialists like Hugo Chavez and have spoken out about how he controls the media in his country and they wish they could do the same thing here. Their problem is, they can’t send in troops to take control of the stations like Chavez does, so they are trying to do it with propaganda. They are making blanket accusations at Fox News, trying to marginalize the one network that isn’t under their control. All the other networks are being lap dogs right now and reporting what the administration tells them to report and not digging up facts and exposing the people in the shadow government like Fox is.

Make no mistake about it; every time the administration speaks out against Fox News, they are speaking out against free speech. Fox News is simply the one network that dares to report anything other than the government line and they don’t like it one bit. They don’t want any voice of opposition at all so they are trying this propaganda tactic to try and silence them.

It’s no secret that Fox has a lot of conservative commentators so you could say they have a right wing slant, but that’s their commentary and not their news reporting. But even if the news had a right wing slant, so what? All the other networks clearly have a left wing slant so what’s wrong with one network that goes the other way? Because it’s not the administration’s way. It’s not the government line. That is the only reason they are going after Fox. Simply because they ARE the other viewpoint.

But guess what, this is a losing proposition for Obama. He might think it feels good to lash out at the network that is a thorn in his side, but even the other networks are saying it’s the wrong thing to do. Even the liberal networks realize that this is a blatant assault on free speech. They realize the insidious danger in government controlled media. Maybe if the white house keeps it up, it will jolt the other networks awake and they’ll change from being lapdogs back to being watchdogs like they should be. Let’s watch and see.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Liars in Washington

Hey, were you like me and very surprised when congress voted to stop funding ACORN and their illegal activities? I was impressed that they stepped up and did the right thing and when I heard that they stopped funding ACORN, I thought that meant permanently. I mean, when you heard it, you thought that meant from then on, right? WRONG! I found out today that ACORN will start receiving yours and my hard earned tax dollars again at the end of this month! So it was all a sham. It was only temporary. They just didn't bother to tell us that part...

Then I found out that the federal government is coercing banks to fund them also. Get this! The Community Reinvestment Act forces banks to make bad loans to people with questionable ability to repay the loan. Wait! Wasn't that a major factor that lead to our economy crash and bank failures, you ask? YES IT WAS! But this act forces banks to make the loans or else the government will not let them expand to other areas or states or grow their business. BUT, there is a provision that says if the bank doesn't want to make the bad loans, the alternative that will satisfy the government is that they can give money directly to ACORN! The federal government is telling these banks they either have to make bad loans or give money directly to ACORN or they will shut them down!!!

Does this sound just a little like mobster mentality here, or is it just me? I wonder if ACORN sends a thug around every month to collect their protection money? Do they go in and break the bank manager's legs if he doesn't give them the payoff? THIS IS OUR GOVERNMENT DOING THIS! What the hell is going on here????