Sunday, October 25, 2009

Obama Administration Hypocrites and Liars Are Still At It

Well, here’s the Obama administration showing again how hypocritical they are. While the Obama administration is blacklisting Fox News Channel because they have commentators that are right wing, they are calling left wing commentators to the White House for a private meeting. Even more specifically, the administration has been pointing fingers directly at commentators Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity but has a private meeting with MSNBC personalities Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow.

Gee, I wonder what was being said in THAT meeting. You think they might be plotting against Fox News? You think maybe Obama is instructing the left wing press as to how he wants them to report and what he wants them to say? Ask yourself, why would the president of the United States call TV news personalities to the White House for a private meeting? And even more importantly, why would he waste time with this rather than spending time addressing the real issues facing the Nation? Does he think that meeting with Keith Olbermann is more important than coming up with a plan for Afghanistan? Or maybe telling Rachel Maddow to talk him up is more important than unemployment and the economy. Get a clue Mr. President.

Now we hear that the Obama administration specifically tried to exclude Fox News from last Thursday’s interviews with pay czar Ken Feinberg. Then they lied about it and claimed they didn’t. Guess what though; their Chicago thug style vendetta that they’ve been trying to carry out blew up in their faces when CBS news and others said that’s going too far and called them out on it. The other news people realize that if they get away with restricting free speech by excluding Fox, it could be any one of them that they could exclude the next time.

Well, you could say that wasting time on this assault against Fox has been senseless, stupid, arrogant, etc. but it’s also a major waste of the public trust. It’s not what we pay them for. The president and his administration should be above this. They should not be concerning themselves with controlling the media. Oh wait, I forgot, controlling the media IS a major concern for a socialist regime. They were looking to their idols Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin…

Well, back in the United States of America, I think it’s safe to say that the Obama administration has officially LOST this major war they were waging with Fox News Channel. Let’s hope they fair better in those other minor conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unbelievable…

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