Sunday, November 1, 2009

How About DOING Something Mr. President

Well, let’s see, what happened of importance in the world today? Oh, here’s something, the only challenger for the presidency of Afghanistan abruptly dropped out of the race saying there was no way there could be an honest election in that country. This will hand a second 5 year term to the corrupt government headed by Hamid Karzai.

President Obama has been critical of this government and I suspect that is part of the reason that he has been delaying a decision about whether to send in more troops, or even come up with a firm plan for what we are trying to accomplish in that country. You’d think this ominous development would be very important to the president, wouldn’t you?

So what is the president doing about it? Well, he’s campaigning of course. He’s much more concerned about getting one of his buddies, Jon Corzine, re-elected to the governorship in New Jersey, so he’s kind of busy with that. Who cares about our poor troops fighting in Afghanistan when we have an election to worry about in New Jersey, right?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a president that was concentrating on the serious issues facing this nation instead of only concerning himself with the re-election of his cronies and their retention of all power? Has this guy ever STOPPED campaigning? I think that’s the only thing he actually does well so I guess that’s what he’ll keep doing.

Hopefully, the voters of New Jersey have the sense to kick out the incumbent and vote for the challenger, Chris Christie.

Hopefully, the voters of the United States will have the sense to do the same thing in 2010 and again in 2012...

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