Tuesday, January 19, 2010

United States Criticized For Helping Haitian People

Well, it was only a matter of time I guess and not very long at that. After the United States answers the pleas of the Haitian people for help, the America-haters started blowing their hot air.

And who is it that is criticizing the United States for sending troops and aid to Haiti? None other than the French, of course. They don’t like the fact that we have sent in our military to help maintain security and distribute food and medical supplies to the Haitian people. Of course, as usual, the French aren’t anywhere in sight to lend a hand. They just want to sit back and complain about us. They did send a token $14 million or so. Not much when you consider the U.S. will end up spending well over $200 million before it’s over. Another U.S. hater, Hugo Chavez is opening his big mouth too. He sent one plane load of aid over to Haiti. Wow, that ought to do a lot. It might even feed a couple hundred of the million or more that need help.

This is what always happens. Anytime there’s a disaster and people need help, they expect and even demand that we do something and the U.S. always responds. We do the lion’s share of the work and pick up the tab, and the morons and idiots of the world sit back and bitch about it while doing nothing. It’s disgusting. It’s also downright annoying. So here’s what I have to say to our two major detractors:

Hugo, you should do the world a huge favor and just shut up… And as far as the French go, mind your own business and if we need anybody to surrender, we’ll give you a call…

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