Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Liars in Washington

Hey, were you like me and very surprised when congress voted to stop funding ACORN and their illegal activities? I was impressed that they stepped up and did the right thing and when I heard that they stopped funding ACORN, I thought that meant permanently. I mean, when you heard it, you thought that meant from then on, right? WRONG! I found out today that ACORN will start receiving yours and my hard earned tax dollars again at the end of this month! So it was all a sham. It was only temporary. They just didn't bother to tell us that part...

Then I found out that the federal government is coercing banks to fund them also. Get this! The Community Reinvestment Act forces banks to make bad loans to people with questionable ability to repay the loan. Wait! Wasn't that a major factor that lead to our economy crash and bank failures, you ask? YES IT WAS! But this act forces banks to make the loans or else the government will not let them expand to other areas or states or grow their business. BUT, there is a provision that says if the bank doesn't want to make the bad loans, the alternative that will satisfy the government is that they can give money directly to ACORN! The federal government is telling these banks they either have to make bad loans or give money directly to ACORN or they will shut them down!!!

Does this sound just a little like mobster mentality here, or is it just me? I wonder if ACORN sends a thug around every month to collect their protection money? Do they go in and break the bank manager's legs if he doesn't give them the payoff? THIS IS OUR GOVERNMENT DOING THIS! What the hell is going on here????


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