Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obama - You're a Damn Liar

I heard a sound bite of an Obama speech today where he said something about why he became a democrat rather than a republican. He said it was because democrats look out for everybody. Democrats are neighborly and help one another and republicans just leave everyone on their own. The general idea is that democrats are nice and republicans are not.

Is this guy for real? What a hypocrite! Obama, YOU LIE! This is a classic demonstration of how politicians lie and distort truth. He stands up there with a big smile on his face and arrogantly says he is better and his party is better because they are looking out for everybody and they're so nice.

What is it called when someone smiles to your face and then stabs you in the back as soon as you turn around?

Do you want to know how nice they are? They are going to force you and everybody to buy health insurance or they are going to fine you. They are going to take your money if you don't do what they say. If you don't pay the money, they'll throw you in jail.

THAT'S how NICE the democrat party is. YOU WILL DO WHAT WE SAY. WE ARE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. WE ARE IN CONTROL. But we're nice. We look out for everybody. Except of course if you don't want or can't afford to buy what we tell you to buy, then we'll take your money or throw you in jail. Aren't we nice?

In truth, democrats believe that the federal government should be in control and the people should do whatever they say.

Republicans believe that the people should be in control and the government should do what the people say.

Democrats believe that government should be huge and powerful and will be paid for by higher taxes on the people.

Republicans believe that government should be small and people shouldn't have to pay high taxes to support a bloated federal government.

Democrats believe that the government should run everything, control everything and have control over how you live your life.

Republicans believe that people should be able to live their lives how they want without government interference.

Democrats believe in controlling people's lives.

Republicans believe in freedom.

So, who do you think is NICE?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What's REALLY Going On?

Well, this seems to be another monumental weekend in the world of government and politics. We are going to see if we are going to continue farther down the road to communism or if we can stop the insidious slide away from what our country is supposed to be about, personal choice and freedom.

Now, if you think that's a ridiculous statement, let's take a close look at what's going on in government this weekend.

Congress, or I should say, the progressives or socialist left in congress, are trying to ram through, any way they can, by hook or by crook, a "healthcare" bill. Now, you would think that the issue is healthcare, right? But, that's not the REAL issue.

Sure, it's a bill about healthcare, but it's not just fixing a few problems with our system, which is what it SHOULD be. It's a radical and total, sweeping change to our system and I'm not just referring to the healthcare system. It has far greater implications.

The people in power will tell you that this is about helping people. It's about getting people healthcare that don't have it. It's about fixing a system that's totally broken and doesn't work. That's the reason we have to totally change it, right?

So, do you really think that our healthcare system is SO bad, SO broken and dysfunctional that we need to totally transform it into something else? I mean, for a majority of Americans, they have pretty good health insurance. I do, and I'm just an average guy with an average job. The main thing we need to fix in our system is to help the small percentage of the population that need or even want health insurance and can't get it.

So ask yourself why we would have to totally and radically transform our system just to be able to help a small number of people. Can you answer that question? Why, instead, don't we just concentrate on the uninsured and enact small changes that just help them? That's the real problem, right? Think about that. Why would we need to totally revamp a system that for the most part, works pretty well?

The reason why congress doesn't want to take only the small steps needed to help the uninsured and that they are radically changing our system is that it's all about taking control. It's about government taking power and control over our lives. What better way to grab the most power they can all in one fell swoop but by taking control over 1/6th of our economy?

Want more proof? This is a healthcare bill, right? You know what else is written into this bill? There is a provision in the bill that says the government is taking control of all the student loans in the entire country. If this bill passes, if a student needs a loan to go to college, the only option is to get it from the government. This is government taking total control over another sector of the economy and private industry. Why are student loans written into a healthcare bill? Why are student loans written into a healthcare bill??? What does one have to do with the other? They are totally unrelated.

Are you starting to realize now that the real issue is government control and power? Are you starting to see that the real goal is to expand the size, scope and sphere of influence of the federal government?

America was founded on the tenets of personal freedom. America is supposed to be the country where the PEOPLE have all the power and NOT the government. Americans are supposed to have the MOST personal freedom possible. The democrats are moving us away from this philosophy. They are trying to increase the size, scope and power of themselves, the federal government and this bill is the first major step toward that end.

The democrat party historically has not been this radical left, but it has been taken over by the radical left and they are carrying out their bidding. The people in our government with socialist and communist ideals have taken control and this weekend is a test of their power.

In the last few days, if you have been paying attention, you have seen the wielding of that power and control over the non-socialist members of their party. The president has been having private meetings with members of congress that for whatever reason have opposed his healthcare bill. He even gave Dennis Kucinich a ride in Air Force One, giving him the feeling that he is a close personal friend of the president, one of the elite, a member of the "family", and shortly after that, he changed his vote from no to yes. Just a coincidence?

There are backroom deals going on. Congressmen are being bribed in closed door meetings. They are being promised favors in return for their vote. Support the healthcare bill now and I'll see to it you get that immigration bill you want to pass. You need a little something for your state? No problem, we'll just write it into the bill. It'll make you look good to your constituents. You can tell them you brought home the federal bacon. It'll help you get re-elected.

They are being bought, plain and simple.

And if they can't be bought, they are being threatened. They are being told that if they don't support this bill, the president and the party won't support them when it comes election time. As a matter of fact, the party will endorse a different candidate and force a primary election for their seat, virtually insuring that they won't be re-elected.

This is real Chicago style, strong arm politics going on. This is Mafia style government in action. If you can't sweet talk him, give him the veiled threat. If he doesn’t respond to that, break his legs. Make him an offer he can't refuse.

Is this what our government is supposed to be? Is this what America is supposed to be all about?

They are also being told it's their duty as good democrats to vote the party line. It's for the good of the party. It's for the good of the president and his presidency. It will make him look good and show that he is getting things done. If they don't support the president, he'll look bad. He'll look like a failure.

They are being told a whole host of reasons why they should vote yes on this bill. None of the reasons are the right ones. The right reasons would be that it is the best thing to help the most people and that it will help revive America to a thriving economy. But they can't tell them that because it would be totally untrue.

Make no mistake, the people that vote yes on this bill are either socialist, communist, selling their vote or they are simply gutless wonders that have no convictions, no spine and stand for nothing. They are simply sheep that blindly follow others or bend to the slightest pressure from their peers to do their bidding. They don't deserve to hold a position of power, where they are expected to use their minds to think and reason, where they are expected to and have taken a sacred oath to defend and uphold our constitution. NOT move us down the road to communism.

And if you scoff at my using the terms socialism and communism, I invite you to look up the meaning of those terms. I'm simply speaking plainly. I'm not dancing around the issue to try and be "politically correct". Socialism is the stepping stone to communism and communism is government control of everything. You don't change a system immediately from a free society to communism, you "fundamentally transform" it slowly by taking deliberate steps to take government control of the system. The more the government controls, the more power it has over the individuals in society.

You can start by taking control of a large portion of the economy like healthcare and maybe throw in student loans while you’re at it. Maybe even a car company or two. Throw in a few banks and insurance companies and you're well on your way to total government control of the society.

What do you mean you're young and healthy, fresh out of college, just starting out and you don't feel you need to spend your money on health insurance? Yes you will, because the government says you will. You don't have a choice. You don't have the freedom to make that decision for yourself.

Every bit of control we give up to the federal government moves us closer to communism. That is the end goal of the people that are now in power. That is their stated goal. They have said it. Have you missed it? Are you not paying attention?

Obama has stated in his book that he chooses his friends carefully and surrounds himself with people with socialist and communist ideals. That's not a blind accusation, it's a fact. Read his book if you don't believe me. He has put people in positions of power in his administration that are socialists and communists. Again, not a blind accusation, it’s a fact. Van Jones is a communist by his own admission. He was let go from the administration only after his radical views were made public but there are plenty of others still working in his administration.

These people want government control of everything and they don't care what it takes for them to get it. If they can't get the votes to pass this "first step" bill, then they will cheat. For them, the ends justify the means. They will use an obscure procedure in the house whereby they pass a RULE on the bill, not the bill itself, and then DEEM the bill itself to have passed. And it will never even have been voted on.

That is clearly NOT the process a bill is supposed to go through to become law. It's NOT the way our government is supposed to work.

In the senate, they intend to use another obscure rule to sneak the bill through without the 60 vote clear majority required to pass bills of this magnitude. It's called reconciliation and it's a way to bypass the 60 vote requirement and pass a bill with only 51 votes.

Again, this is not the way our government is supposed to work.

But the progressives/socialists don't care if they have to cheat. They have no respect for the rule of law. They have no respect for the American way of life. They have no respect for freedom. They want to "transform America" into something else. They want to make it into their utopian vision of what THEIR ideology is which is communism. Government control. The ends justify the means.

They are paying no attention to what the American people want because they don't care. All the polls show that a majority of the people DO NOT want this bill, but they continue their fanatical efforts to ram it through using any means available to them.

They continue to try and sell it to the American people by standing up and making speeches that are outright lies. They do not care if they have to lie, cheat or steal to get what THEY want. Obama said in a speech yesterday that as soon as this bill passes, people with pre-existing conditions will be able to buy insurance.

That's an outright, bald faced lie. It doesn't take effect for 4 years.

They tell you that it will reduce the deficit and save money. Not only is that an outright lie, it's ludicrous. There is no way that a bill that will supposedly insure thousands more people will cost less than what is spent on healthcare now. That's like saying, "Hey, go buy more stuff, you'll have more money if you do."

They made a big thing about the CBO saying that it will save money. You know why? Because they are cheating here also. They didn't tell the truth to the CBO about the spending in the bill. For instance, they changed the figures on paper and told the CBO that Medicare payments to states would end after a certain time period, so the CBO figured that as a savings. In reality, those payments will never stop. Everybody with any sense knows they will never stop.

When the time comes, it will come up for a vote and no congressman is going to vote to let the payments stop or he'll look bad for re-election. So if the CBO figured the TRUE cost, there is no savings. As a matter of fact, this bill will end up and be a monumental spending bill, the likes of which we have never seen before and it will lead to monumental tax increases.

They don't care about that because when it really comes time to pay for this fiasco, they won't be in office anymore and they can blame it on someone else. That's why Obama and his progressives don't care that they're running up the biggest budget deficit in the history of our country. They'll be long gone when it comes time to pay up and taxes have to be increased across the board.

Think about this for a minute. Most of the so called benefits of this bill don't take affect for 4 years, but we have to start paying for it immediately. The CBO is figuring the costs in 10 year increments. Now, at the end of the first 10 years, we will have paid for 10 years but only gotten 6 years of benefits. So, what's going to happen in the second 10 year period? They're not going to stop the benefits for 4 years like the first period, so we'll have to pay a whole lot more in the second 10 year period to get a full 10 years of benefits. That just stands to reason doesn't it?

Do you really think that this bill is what America needs? Really? Well, let me just point out that something like this has already been tried and it didn't work. The state of Massachusetts tried a very similar system a few years ago. They sold it the same way, saying it would save all kinds of money and make healthcare available to all. It would be the answer to their dreams.

Do you know what happened?

Costs have not gone down as promised. As a matter of fact, they have risen.
Insurance premiums have not gone down as promised, they have risen. AND they have risen much higher and faster than in other states. Their program is bankrupting the state, just as the national version will bankrupt the nation. They're going to have to raise taxes to pay for it.

Why do you think that the people of Massachusetts elected Scott Brown, the guy who ran on the premise that he was going to vote against the healthcare bill? Because they KNOW exactly what this bill will result in, that's why. That's why a state that traditionally votes liberal democrat elected a conservative republican to office.

The people of Massachusetts sent a clear message to Washington about what they want for the future of our country. The people in Washington that are in power are totally ignoring them. They are totally ignoring the will of the American people.

Here are some of the latest figures from Rasmussen polls:

71% of voters nationwide say they’re at least somewhat angry about the current policies of the federal government including 46% who are Very Angry

53% Oppose the healthcare bill

57% Predict the Health Care Plan Will Hurt the Economy

55% Say Congress Should Start Over On Health Care

Only 20% Say Most in Congress Will Understand Health Care Plan Before They Vote On It

50% Are Less Likely To Vote For Congress Members Who Supports Health Care Plan

Only 25% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction, Lowest Since Obama Took Office and Confidence In Economy's Future Is At Lowest Point of Obama's Presidency

Washington is clearly NOT listening. They are ignoring the will of the people and doing what THEY want. So, can you come up with a better explanation of WHY they are doing what they are doing?

Oh by the way, if you don't know this already, under this bill, if you don't have health insurance that is acceptable to the federal government, the IRS is going to fine you. That's right, the IRS is going to be checking on you every month to make sure that you have health insurance that is acceptable to the government and if you don't, they will fine you over $2000 or 2% of your income.

Can you imagine how much they will have to expand the IRS, how many new government employees they will have to hire to be able to check on every American, every month to see if they have health insurance?

Can you imagine how much it's going to cost to pay for all this policing and monitoring?

Do you still think that this bill is going to save money and reduce the deficit like they claim?

Do you really think it's a good idea to give even more power and control over our lives to the IRS????

They are taking away our freedom. What are they going to take next? Just wait and you'll see.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bret Baier vs Barack Obama

Well, how many of you watched the Bret Baier interview of President Obama? If you did, you got a good dose of politician. Obama does what politicians do best, he talked without saying anything. He should give up basketball and take up dodgeball. I bet he would be very good at it as he did one hell of a job dodging questions.

First, Bret asked him if he favors the democrats using the Slaughter rule to pass the healthcare bill. If you don't know what that is, it's passing the bill without even voting on it by using some obscure procedural rule for something it was never intended for and may even be unconstitutional to use in this situation. Never in the history of the country has a bill with the importance and magnitude of this healthcare bill ever been passed into law by using any other method than the normal voting and getting at least a 60 member majority.

Obama totally dodged the question and launched into a speech about the merits of the bill. He basically just started talking about whatever he wanted and totally ignored the question. When Bret pressed him on the issue, he basically said he's turning his head the other way. He said he's not concerning himself with HOW they pass the bill as long as they pass it, he's leaving that to congress. The ends justify the means when it comes to their agenda.

Bret asked him about the democrats using reconciliation to pass the bill. That's using a different procedural rule that was designed to let simple budget items and other relatively inconsequential legislation be passed by a simple majority of just over half the senate, 51 votes instead of the normal 60 votes. The reason for that rule is that for the more inconsequential bills, you know, the boring stuff, it's hard to get enough senators to take time from their busy 3 day workweek to actually show up to vote so they could even GET a 60 member majority, they figure maybe they could get enough participation to get 51. Bret pointed out that Obama himself has stated in the past that he is against using it.

His reply to using reconciliation and the fact that he has stated his disapproval of it in the past? Again, he dodged the question and didn't want to give a direct answer. He basically stated again that he isn't concerning himself with it. If that's what it takes to get it rammed through, then that's what it takes. In other words, it's ok if HIS side uses it, but he disapproves of it when the republicans try to use it. The ends justify the means.

Bret asked him if the special provisions in the bill are in or out. You know, those bribes that they used to buy votes from their own party members, referred to as the Louisiana Purchase and Nebraska's Cornhusker Kickback and others. He tried to dodge that one as well and wouldn't answer the question. When pressed on each specific, he simply wouldn't answer it and started with the double talk. I don't know if it's that he didn't know the answers or he just didn't want to admit what the answers actually were.

Basically, the whole interview was Bret asking pointed questions and Obama being the consummate politician and not answering them. It was frustrating and maddening for the viewer like me who actually wanted to hear him answer the questions. It was really a disgusting display and a waste of time. All Obama wanted to do was repeat the same talking points and promise it's the answer to all of our problems and we should just trust them.

He was also asked about the claim that they are going to pay for the bill by saving money and eliminating waste in Medicare. He tried his best to sidestep that as well but when pressed on the issue, he couldn't say that it will actually work.

That's because it's smoke and mirrors. If a program is losing a billion dollars and you clean it up and fix it so it's only losing 500 million, that doesn't mean you have 500 million new dollars to spend. It just means you are only going in the hole half as fast. It's not money that can be spent but they are saying they are going to pay for healthcare with it. That's just taking deficit spending from one program and making it deficit spending on another program. Even the CBO says that won't work. If a businessman or corporation tried to cook the books like our federal government routinely does, they would be prosecuted and thrown in jail.

One thing that I found very interesting about this interview was the fact that he did it with Bret Baier on Fox News Channel. This is the channel that they hate, the one they said isn't a real news network, the one that they went out of their way to try and trivialize. Why would they do that? Well, by their own admission, they don't like Fox News but they will use it if it suits them, if they think it will serve their purpose. It was Obama's last stand, his last chance to try and sway the people, a majority of the American people by all the polls, who are against this abomination of a bill and they figured he could tap into the largest audience by going on Fox.

I don't think it worked. He came off as desperate and looked pitiful trying to speechify and say the same old things that we've heard about it and that a majority of Americans consider to be lies.

"It's going to be budget neutral." Right... Does anybody outside of Washington actually believe that bull? Give us a break.

I would have had more respect for him if he would have just answered the questions and told the real truth: It's the first step toward a single payer system, total government run healthcare and we're going to ram it down America's throat whether the people want it or not. We're going to do it because we're smart and everybody else is too dumb to realize what's good for them. We are going to expand the federal government as much as we possibly can and taking over 1/6th of the U.S. economy is the best way to get as much power and control in one fell swoop. Before the stupid public knows what's happening, we, the federal government will have so much control over their lives, they won't even realize that they are moving toward socialism and communism.

They always said they would take over this country from within...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Are We Going the Way of Greece?

I read an article today about the situation in Greece and how their economy is in danger of failing. The Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou, was here in America to deliver the message that if Greece defaults and goes bankrupt, it will affect the European economy and subsequently, our economy here in America. He wants us to bail them out. Right… and then who’s going to bail us out?

Well, as a matter of fact, I think Obama has already said we are going to bail them out, but that whole issue aside, what really caught my attention was one paragraph in the article:
The crisis began shortly after the election last fall of the new socialist government led by Papandreou. State officials revealed that Greece's budget deficit was at 14 percent of GDP--almost twice what the official Greek government statistics had reported. Two months later, Moody's downgraded Greece's debt to A2, raising the possibility of Greece defaulting on its debt.
Hmmmm…. Isn’t that interesting?

The crisis began shortly after the election last fall of the new socialist government…
Sort of like what’s happening here in our country. Except our socialists call themselves progressives.

Greece's budget deficit was at 14 percent of GDP--almost twice what the official Greek government statistics had reported.
Near as I can tell, we’re not too far behind Greece since our budget deficit is about 10 percent of our GDP. At least, that’s what the government is reporting… Oh, and by the way, it’s going to increase by a huge margin with passage of the healthcare bill and the new jobs/spending bill and whatever other spending the democrats/progressives can come up with.

Two months later, Moody's downgraded Greece's debt to A2, raising the possibility of Greece defaulting on its debt.
Gee, what another coincidence. I just read another article today that said Moody’s is warning that if our government keeps spending money like it is, they may have to downgrade our credit rating:
Moody’s Investor Service, the credit rating agency, will fire a warning shot at the US on Monday, saying that unless the country gets public finances into better shape than the Obama administration projects, there would be “downward pressure” on its triple A credit rating.
Does that information scare you?

It should…

Monday, March 1, 2010

What He Says and What He Does

Did anybody listen to Obama's state of the union address? Maybe I'm wrong, but I seem to remember him doing a lot of talking about jobs. He was saying something about jobs and the economy being his main concern and that was what he was going to concentrate on for 2010. Do you remember that? That's what he said.

So what is he actually doing? Well, it seems that he and his cronies in congress are still trying to ram a healthcare bill down our throat. He had the healthcare summit. You probably saw some of it on TV. You know, that was where all the liars and thieves, er, I mean politicians, gathered in one room and spent the day grandstanding for the TV cameras, each one trying to "one up" the next guy, all trying to make themselves look good. The only real reason for this meeting was for Obama and his crowd to try and make the Republicans look bad, that's it.

Now the Democrats are scheming on how they can muscle a health care bill through without having to have the normal 60 votes in the senate. They are planning on using a thing called reconciliation, which is only supposed to be used to pass budget bills. So basically, they are planning on circumventing the normal democratic process that our government is supposed to function with to force their agenda through without those opposed being able to do anything to stop it. You've heard of the "checks and balances" in our government? Well, the Democrats are throwing those right out the window. And Dingy Harry Reid has the gall to stand up there and swear they aren’t even thinking about doing that. Ya, we believe you Dingy…

Oh, did I happen to mention that this healthcare bill that Obama and the Democrats are so absolutely determined to pass no matter what, isn't even wanted by the majority of Americans? 52% of the American public (that would be a majority) oppose this bill. But guess what, Obama and his liberal left cabal don't give a damn what us regular, everyday folks want, they only care what they want and they're going to try and get their way, no matter what.

Nancy Pelosi made it clear when she told her party members that they should do what needs to be done, what she and Obama wants them to do, no matter if it results in them losing their jobs because the voters don't want it. Of course, the only reason she is saying that is because she is sure that her constituency out there on the left coast will put her right back into office, and they probably will. Personally, I don't how a group of people could collectively be crazy enough to put the likes of her in a position of power, but well... it's California...

Anyway, so Obama says he's going to concentrate on jobs. Has he done anything about creating jobs? I mean if that is supposed to be his main concern, why do he and congress seem to be spending all their time on a healthcare bill that we don't even want?

Have you noticed that he seems to say one thing and then do another?

You don't think he might be lying to us all, do you?