Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obama - You're a Damn Liar

I heard a sound bite of an Obama speech today where he said something about why he became a democrat rather than a republican. He said it was because democrats look out for everybody. Democrats are neighborly and help one another and republicans just leave everyone on their own. The general idea is that democrats are nice and republicans are not.

Is this guy for real? What a hypocrite! Obama, YOU LIE! This is a classic demonstration of how politicians lie and distort truth. He stands up there with a big smile on his face and arrogantly says he is better and his party is better because they are looking out for everybody and they're so nice.

What is it called when someone smiles to your face and then stabs you in the back as soon as you turn around?

Do you want to know how nice they are? They are going to force you and everybody to buy health insurance or they are going to fine you. They are going to take your money if you don't do what they say. If you don't pay the money, they'll throw you in jail.

THAT'S how NICE the democrat party is. YOU WILL DO WHAT WE SAY. WE ARE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. WE ARE IN CONTROL. But we're nice. We look out for everybody. Except of course if you don't want or can't afford to buy what we tell you to buy, then we'll take your money or throw you in jail. Aren't we nice?

In truth, democrats believe that the federal government should be in control and the people should do whatever they say.

Republicans believe that the people should be in control and the government should do what the people say.

Democrats believe that government should be huge and powerful and will be paid for by higher taxes on the people.

Republicans believe that government should be small and people shouldn't have to pay high taxes to support a bloated federal government.

Democrats believe that the government should run everything, control everything and have control over how you live your life.

Republicans believe that people should be able to live their lives how they want without government interference.

Democrats believe in controlling people's lives.

Republicans believe in freedom.

So, who do you think is NICE?

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