Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm Back

Well, after a long hiatus from blogging, I decided to start ranting again. There's just too much to talk about and rail against for me to keep quiet! I wrote a small post for another website and thought I would put it here also. I'm so upset about what's going on in our airports in the name of security, I just couldn't keep quiet about it. Something's got to be done to stop the insanity. Read on and see if you agree.

The TSA practices have been coming to light in the news lately and I can't believe what I'm seeing. There are all sorts of stories of people being humiliated by these idiots. Since when is being treated like a criminal a condition of getting on an airplane? The present state of "security" procedures in our airports is absolutely ridiculous. I just recently found out (since the rescinded it) that pilots were subject to the same ludicrous procedures. Are you kidding me? The PILOTS? What quintessential moron thought of that one? What utter idiocy!

I can't believe that people are putting up with this garbage. As soon as I heard about these invasive procedures being implemented, I quit flying. I only flew for vacations anyway so I can afford to tell the airlines to shove it and drive wherever I want to go. I realize that everyone can't do that but if a large number of people quit flying in protest, how long do you think it would take to get these ridiculous procedures stopped? If the airlines start losing money, they will scream bloody murder and believe me, something will change.

The really stupid thing about these procedures is, they do not work. Do you know why they came up with the naked body imagers and groping and fondling? It was in response to the underwear bomber. Think about that. In response. In other words, it's a reactive response and reactive responses are always one step behind the terrorists. While the TSA is humiliating law abiding citizens and fondling children, the terrorists are laughing at us and have already come up with the next way to beat the security we have in place. So the terrorists will have bombers shove a bomb inside a body cavity and when they get caught or manage to explode one, can you imagine the "reactive response" the TSA will come up with? Where does it end? How much is too much?

I want to know when we will stop playing games and start taking it seriously in this country. We need to stop concentrating on being politically correct and concentrate on what works. It's time that we remove the pervert patrol from the airports and replace them with real security people. We need security that tracks and targets the terrorists and stop wasting time fool around trying to find their toys. The only way to stop the terrorists is to do just that, stop the terrorists themselves. I know it can be done and it's a lot more effective than what they are doing now. For some reason though, some warped mentality in this country says we have to be "random" and not target anybody. Somebodies idiotic, illogical thinking says we have to treat our citizens like criminals, routinely humiliate people and terrorize children in the name of security. Well, I'm not buying it.

Quit flying people. Cancel your reservations, cancel your vacation if you have to but send the message that you won't put up with this kind of demeaning, belittling, abusive treatment being dished out by a government on steroids that is in fact only giving you the illusion of security. It's up to the people to act. That's the only way to bring sanity back to our airports. Tell them enough is too much before it gets worse.

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