Monday, March 1, 2010

What He Says and What He Does

Did anybody listen to Obama's state of the union address? Maybe I'm wrong, but I seem to remember him doing a lot of talking about jobs. He was saying something about jobs and the economy being his main concern and that was what he was going to concentrate on for 2010. Do you remember that? That's what he said.

So what is he actually doing? Well, it seems that he and his cronies in congress are still trying to ram a healthcare bill down our throat. He had the healthcare summit. You probably saw some of it on TV. You know, that was where all the liars and thieves, er, I mean politicians, gathered in one room and spent the day grandstanding for the TV cameras, each one trying to "one up" the next guy, all trying to make themselves look good. The only real reason for this meeting was for Obama and his crowd to try and make the Republicans look bad, that's it.

Now the Democrats are scheming on how they can muscle a health care bill through without having to have the normal 60 votes in the senate. They are planning on using a thing called reconciliation, which is only supposed to be used to pass budget bills. So basically, they are planning on circumventing the normal democratic process that our government is supposed to function with to force their agenda through without those opposed being able to do anything to stop it. You've heard of the "checks and balances" in our government? Well, the Democrats are throwing those right out the window. And Dingy Harry Reid has the gall to stand up there and swear they aren’t even thinking about doing that. Ya, we believe you Dingy…

Oh, did I happen to mention that this healthcare bill that Obama and the Democrats are so absolutely determined to pass no matter what, isn't even wanted by the majority of Americans? 52% of the American public (that would be a majority) oppose this bill. But guess what, Obama and his liberal left cabal don't give a damn what us regular, everyday folks want, they only care what they want and they're going to try and get their way, no matter what.

Nancy Pelosi made it clear when she told her party members that they should do what needs to be done, what she and Obama wants them to do, no matter if it results in them losing their jobs because the voters don't want it. Of course, the only reason she is saying that is because she is sure that her constituency out there on the left coast will put her right back into office, and they probably will. Personally, I don't how a group of people could collectively be crazy enough to put the likes of her in a position of power, but well... it's California...

Anyway, so Obama says he's going to concentrate on jobs. Has he done anything about creating jobs? I mean if that is supposed to be his main concern, why do he and congress seem to be spending all their time on a healthcare bill that we don't even want?

Have you noticed that he seems to say one thing and then do another?

You don't think he might be lying to us all, do you?

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