Sunday, November 21, 2010

Buy American? How???

I read on Rasmussen Reports that 41% of the American public say that "buying American" is a top factor when purchasing a new car.

Well, let's just see what our choices are to "buy American" cars. I guess there's Ford. I think they're still an American car company. And then there's uh…Chrysler… No, wait a minute, they're owned by Fiat. They don't qualify as an American company anymore so they would be out.

And then there's GM, otherwise known as Government Motors. I guess technically they would still qualify as an American company since they are owned by the federal government, although foreign countries, including China, are buying big stakes in the company since they had their IPO last week.

Personally, I won't buy from them anymore. I guess being one of the stockholders that got left out in the cold and royally screwed over by them when the government bailed them out sort of left a bad taste in my mouth but I just can't see myself giving them one more dime of my money, so for me, they would be out.

Hmmmm… "Buying American" would give me a choice of Ford and um… Ford. Some choice, eh? I might be buying a Honda or Toyota for the first time in my life when it comes time for a new car.

I've always tried to buy American whenever I could but it's getting harder and harder to do. America has been and continues to lose it's manufacturing capability. Do you remember when America lead the world in manufacturing? It seems like I remember things being pretty good then. We had a thriving economy didn't we? Hey, I wonder if that could be part of the reason why our economy sucks so bad now. Ya think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have to say I agree with your sentiments about Chrysler and General Motors being not-so-American... As for Ford, what is holding you back from purchasing one of 13 different models actually built in the United States? Ford's quality is now right up there with Honda and Toyota. I don't understand your 'Some choice, eh?' reasoning.