Monday, January 17, 2011

Government Spending - Is There An End In Sight?

Well, what do you know, 66% of voters nationwide favor a proposal to cut the federal payroll by 10% over the next 10 years. That, according to Rasmussen Reports. You think maybe people are starting to wise up to the fact that most federal government employees are overpaid compared to the private sector? According to USA Today, the average federal workers pay and benefits package totaled about $123,049 in 2009, while comparable private sector jobs were about half that.

Well, guess what friends. The Lord of the Left Obama wants to give them all a nice raise. And if you didn't know it, our illustrious leader increased the number of federal employees to the highest level EVER. We've got the most federal employees and a bigger federal government than we have ever had in the history of the nation and they want to make it even bigger.

The pay reduction mentioned above that would put pay rates more in line with private sector levels, would save about $25 Billion a year. But if they do what the big spender wants to do, it will continue to increase every year.

Hey, if you haven't figured it out, more federal employees, being overpaid more and more money = much higher taxes for everybody else. Either that or they'll just keep increasing the deficit to the point where it will totally crash our entire economy. And I don't just mean what we went through in the last couple of years. If they keep going the way they're going, the crash that's coming will be monumental. I'm talking hyper inflation, the dollar worth nothing, economic chaos, totally wrecked economy, totally wrecked country, totally wrecked way of life in America.

The warning signs are there. We're about to lose our AAA credit rating. What does that mean for the United States? You know how when you have your credit card charged up to the max and you're just able to make the minimum payment every month, then you miss one and the credit card company increases your interest rate by an additional 10%? You were teetering on the brink and now the payment just jumped up. Well, that's what's going to happen to all the federal debt. The interest rate is going to go up and more federal dollars will be needed to just pay the interest. Do you think our economy can absorb that?

If the new Republican controlled congress can't get federal spending under control, we are headed for big, big trouble. They have to CUT federal jobs, CUT federal spending, CUT government waste in order to CUT the national debt. Notice I didn't say cut the federal deficit. That's because the only way to cut the national debt is to totally eliminate the budget deficit and start operating government responsibly instead of going in the whole every year. We need to start operating in the black. That's the only way we are going to save America.

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