Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Success Story

I love it when someone gets help that's actually trying to help themselves. This story has been in the news a lot this week but I thought it was such a great story, I'd mention it too. It's the story of the homeless guy who demonstrated his radio voice to a passing driver who videoed him and put it on youtube. Now he's famous and is getting all kinds of offers for work.

What I really like about the story is how it shows how if someone who is totally down and out demonstrates how he really wants to help himself, others respond with the help he needs. The government didn't need to get involved. They didn't need to take someone elses money to give to him. He didn't need a government program or handout. It was just people helping people.

Take a look at the original youtube video that started it all and notice how he tells his story and how he is trying to help himself.

After the video got millions of views in a few days, it became national news and people from all over were offering him work and even a house to live in, including offers for voice-over work from the Cleveland Cavaliers, MTV and the NFL.

If you look at all the videos on youtube, you'll also see some trying to tear him down, pointing out that he has a criminal record. Not surprising since by his own admission, he got involved in drugs and most that are doing drugs end up doing crime to support their habit. But hey, the guy seems like he is legitimately trying to work his way back into society. He deserves a chance.

There's also a controversy now about the guy that originally posted the video. His original vid that is responsible for all of this, actually got removed due to "copywrite" issues. I suspect it's because he worked for the Columbus Dispatch as a videographer so they got hissy about him posting a video without them getting credit, but I don't know for sure.

I don't care what the naysayers blather about, this is a huge success story in my book. I hope he keeps himself on the straight and narrow and has a long and successful career.

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