Monday, August 8, 2011

The Democrats Will NEVER Get It

This morning I read that John Kerry is now blaming the Tea Party for the S&P downgrade of America’s credit rating from AAA to AA+. Senator Kerry, you are an idiot, pure and simple. You don’t have a clue and even with all your considerable wealth, you couldn’t BUY a clue. It’s not about taxes. IT’S ABOUT THE SPENDING!!! HELLO!!!

The Democrats continue to display, for all to see, what they are truly all about. They want to increase your taxes. They want to take more and more of your money. They want to continue to increase the size and scope of the federal government until it controls everyone and everything. They want the federal government to be a major controlling force in our daily lives. They are truly trying to change our form of government from a Republic to Socialism and if they had their way, Communism.

I read an article a while back about the gradual shift of our political parties in this country to the left. It has been a gradual thing over the last 50 years or so but has accelerated substantially over about the last 15. In the article, it said that if John F. Kennedy were running for office today, he would be way too far right to even be considered for the Democratic ticket. He wouldn’t fit in with today’s Democrats. That’s because they have shifted so far left that most of them are clearly Socialists, including our President and they want to impose Socialist ideology and policy on our country.

One of the problems that caused the present mess we are in is that the Republicans also shifted left. They became more centrist and began adopting some of the Democrat’s policies of big government and uncontrolled spending. Under the second term of the Bush administration, they let the deficit spending get out of hand. That started us on the road to ruin that the Democrats, lead by Obama, have accelerated. The Tea Party movement isn’t controlling the Republican party as Sen. Kerry would have you believe through his caustic accusations, they are simply trying to steer them back toward sanity.

The lefties want to demonize the Tea Party. They want to brand them as evil. That’s because, to the extreme left, or Socialist sect of the Democrats, they ARE evil. The Tea Party stands for freedom. They want less government, lower government spending, more government accountability and a prosperous America. They want to stop our march toward Socialism and steer America back toward the being the bastion of freedom that it has always been. They want America to be strong and the “power” to be in the hands of the people and NOT in the hands of the government “power elite”. Everything the Tea Party stands for is evil in the eyes of a Socialist.

The differences of our political parties in this country has never been clearer. The Democrats clearly want more and bigger government and even though they promised that their policies wouldn’t lead to higher taxes, they are now blatantly arguing for just that. They are admitting that they lied to you and now they want big tax increases to pay for their big spending.
They just don’t get it and they never will. Socialism and freedom don’t go together. You can either have a free society or you can have Socialism, but you can’t have both. Yet, they blindly try to tax and spend our way to prosperity. They will never admit that these policies don’t work. If they did, we would be seeing improvement in our economy by now. Instead, we are seeing our country spiral further down into economic oblivion and they continue to blame others for their failed policies. The simple fact is that the present deficit spending and gargantuan national debt is a direct result of the Democrat ideology.

The only way to fix America is to remove the Democrats from power. Their ideology does not fit with a free America. Remember that come election time.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Left Wing Media Displays Their Hatred

Oh, how the left is terrified of the tea party. They absolutely HATE the tea party and anyone who would advocate more freedom in America. They HATE the thought of closer adherence to the Constitution of the United States. They HATE the idea of a smaller, less powerful federal government. These tenets are contrary to their ideas of a bigger federal government with more central control and higher taxes. They see the tea party as a huge roadblock on their march to socialism and eventually communism.

Just listen to them in this video as they display their vehemence and hatred, referring to members of the tea party movement as zombies, addicts, cannibals, vampires, aliens, delusional and psychotic. Their so called “expert” spews his drivel about the tea party, saying that they will turn eventually turn violent.

Just listen to the left wing’s pathetic attempt to discredit and insult the growing number of people in this country that are fed up with our dysfunctional government and that want to save America from the left’s ongoing attempts to destroy it.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Pretty disgusting isn’t it?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They STILL Don't Get It

With all the hoopla over the budget crisis and government shutdowns and no social security checks going out and all the other blather about what’s going to happen if they don’t raise the debt ceiling, the dimwits in congress still don’t get it. They can’t understand the simple fact that they can’t keep spending more than they take in.

Are they all a bunch of IDIOTS? Are they all really that STUPID? I’m really beginning to think so.

They’re in the process of passing a “deal” that will raise the debt ceiling and “cut” spending. They’re touting the fact that they are cutting spending by billions of dollars. NO THEY’RE NOT! What they are REALLY doing is just increasing the deficit less. They are simply saying they won’t spend as much as they originally said. BIG WOW! They should really be proud of themselves, huh? What an amazing accomplishment.

That would be like me saying that even though I’ll only make $50,000 this year, I’m going to spend $200,000. Oh wait, I can’t spend that much??? Oh, well then, I’ll work real hard and find a way to “cut” spending. WOW, SUCCESS!!! I found a way to only spend $150,000!!! I “cut” spending by $50,000. Aren’t you proud of me? What a wonderful person I am. I should be elected to congress!

Never mind that I’m still going in the hole by $100,000. Oh no, don’t even look at that. That’s no big deal. I CUT SPENDING BY $50,000! THAT’S the important part.

This is how the people in Washington think. Now do you understand why I call them stupid idiot morons? They’re a disgrace. Every damn one of them that voted for this pile of crap spending bill.

And what’s the deal with this new “super committee” of 12 lawmakers that is created by this “deal”? Rumor has it that they will be granted unprecedented new powers to fast track legislation. Just what “powers” will they have? Can they enact law without the approval of a majority of congress? Is this a way to circumvent the normal process of our government according to the Constitution of the United States?


We have been seeing our freedoms in this country slowly, insidiously being taken away for years now. Is this another giant leap forward toward changing our system into some sort of totalitarian mutation of what it once was? Are the “powers that be” slipping through a power grab, taking away the power from the people and giving it to the inner elite of the ruling class?

We, the people of this country, need to wake up and start keeping a very close eye on these clowns, before we end up with no freedom at all.