Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They STILL Don't Get It

With all the hoopla over the budget crisis and government shutdowns and no social security checks going out and all the other blather about what’s going to happen if they don’t raise the debt ceiling, the dimwits in congress still don’t get it. They can’t understand the simple fact that they can’t keep spending more than they take in.

Are they all a bunch of IDIOTS? Are they all really that STUPID? I’m really beginning to think so.

They’re in the process of passing a “deal” that will raise the debt ceiling and “cut” spending. They’re touting the fact that they are cutting spending by billions of dollars. NO THEY’RE NOT! What they are REALLY doing is just increasing the deficit less. They are simply saying they won’t spend as much as they originally said. BIG WOW! They should really be proud of themselves, huh? What an amazing accomplishment.

That would be like me saying that even though I’ll only make $50,000 this year, I’m going to spend $200,000. Oh wait, I can’t spend that much??? Oh, well then, I’ll work real hard and find a way to “cut” spending. WOW, SUCCESS!!! I found a way to only spend $150,000!!! I “cut” spending by $50,000. Aren’t you proud of me? What a wonderful person I am. I should be elected to congress!

Never mind that I’m still going in the hole by $100,000. Oh no, don’t even look at that. That’s no big deal. I CUT SPENDING BY $50,000! THAT’S the important part.

This is how the people in Washington think. Now do you understand why I call them stupid idiot morons? They’re a disgrace. Every damn one of them that voted for this pile of crap spending bill.

And what’s the deal with this new “super committee” of 12 lawmakers that is created by this “deal”? Rumor has it that they will be granted unprecedented new powers to fast track legislation. Just what “powers” will they have? Can they enact law without the approval of a majority of congress? Is this a way to circumvent the normal process of our government according to the Constitution of the United States?


We have been seeing our freedoms in this country slowly, insidiously being taken away for years now. Is this another giant leap forward toward changing our system into some sort of totalitarian mutation of what it once was? Are the “powers that be” slipping through a power grab, taking away the power from the people and giving it to the inner elite of the ruling class?

We, the people of this country, need to wake up and start keeping a very close eye on these clowns, before we end up with no freedom at all.

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