Sunday, August 7, 2011

Left Wing Media Displays Their Hatred

Oh, how the left is terrified of the tea party. They absolutely HATE the tea party and anyone who would advocate more freedom in America. They HATE the thought of closer adherence to the Constitution of the United States. They HATE the idea of a smaller, less powerful federal government. These tenets are contrary to their ideas of a bigger federal government with more central control and higher taxes. They see the tea party as a huge roadblock on their march to socialism and eventually communism.

Just listen to them in this video as they display their vehemence and hatred, referring to members of the tea party movement as zombies, addicts, cannibals, vampires, aliens, delusional and psychotic. Their so called “expert” spews his drivel about the tea party, saying that they will turn eventually turn violent.

Just listen to the left wing’s pathetic attempt to discredit and insult the growing number of people in this country that are fed up with our dysfunctional government and that want to save America from the left’s ongoing attempts to destroy it.

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Pretty disgusting isn’t it?

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